open ports on my mac os x ...



I scanned my ports from 0 to 10000 and the result was this :

Open Port: 80 http, www-http, www
Open Port: 1033
Open Port: 6700
Open Port: 6701

So I also scanned my http web server (hosted on a Linux cpu), the result was the same. (so I suppose it's the same for the most of UNIX like OS)

My question is :
why are 1033,6700 and 6701 ports made for ?
why are they opened ?

I tried to open a connection with them (without using any protocol, manually), it returned nothing.

Thank you tell me more about them,
The web site is behind a router, I think.
My iMac, him, is connected through an Alcatel SpeedTouch USB modem (ADSL connection), so the having itself an IP, I suppose it is a kind of router.

So I will answer yes. I think I'm behind a router (in both cases).

Do you think is because of it ?

PS: thank you for answering so quickly :) I was really surprised. :)
I seemed to remember seing these numbers when my computer was behind a router. I believe at least the two 6000 range numbers are from the router. I can't remember where the 1033 comes from, are you running any Office v.X? That has a server that starts up with the computer and allows microsoft access to your computer. I can't remember if that is the port or not. Anyways, you probably have nothing to worry about. There is a web site out there that gives you the definitions for all of the ports but I can't remember what it is. I know, because I asked this question awhile back myself. Do a search here on the term "ports" and see what pops up. There should be at least one thread that can give you the link to the ports page.

Good Luck,:)
Port 1033 is netinfod on OS X. You probably shouldn't see port 1033 open on a Linux box.

I haven't seen 670x open on my machine. To see what program is listening on a port, use lsof. For port 6700, type this in Terminal:

sudo lsof -i :6700

Type your password when asked. Look for a line with 'LISTEN' in it, that shows the program listening on that port.

Thank you very much :)

So I found what they are (6700 & 6701) :
it's caracho server ports.

I forgot I was running it.

But what I don't understand it is why my web server (on a, very exactly : "Cobalt Linux release 6.0 (Shinkansen-Decaf) Kernel 2.2.16C28_III on an i586") has 1033 & 6700 & 6701 ports opened ... ??

well, the server is hosting a lot of other web sites. It's a virtual server. Maybe what is happening is that somebody is connected behind the same router with a mac running carraxo server. :)
I tried to open a carraxo connection with the server address but it didn't work ...

So I'm very sorry about the 6700 & 6701 ports, I could have guessed it but thank you very much about the lsof command and the 1033 description.
But can you tell me if it a problem ? I mean : can it be a secury problem to get it opened ? can somebody try something through there ?

thank you,
does unix have a built-in portscan utility? i tried man portscan but nothing came up. i know there is network utility that has a portscan feature, but what can i use in the unix terminal?
mac os x includes a port scanner.
I don't know if there's one running in the terminal (probably yes), but you can find one installed by default at : "/Applications/Utilities/Network Utility"

You can also download some (for the terminal) from there :