I've been programming OpenGL lately, and currently I'm running a little test program that I am building up to something bigger. But I am having texturing problems right now. I've developed a little model of a car that spins in my program. When the car has no texture (is made of entirely of polygons), things look correct. Everything is drawn, no problems.
When the car is textured instead, polygons seem to appear and disappear for no reason. NOTHING is different except the existance of the texture. I'm not sure why it is being rendered like this, but it's driving me nuts. This is the first real texturing I've done on something. I checked that all the texture coords are correct, and they are. I can't figure it out but it's driving me nuts.
In the untextured images (the first two) you see a complete car (the windows look odd due to the way they were rendered, you can ignore them).
In the textured images you see the same model only polygons are missing (they come and go as the car rotates). Depending on where the camera is the problem's scope changes. For example, with the camera in closer (like in the untextured pictures) the roof NEVER shows up. I've messed with the viewing volume and that doesn't seem to make a difference. Lighting and culling are both off so that can't be causing the problem. This is really driving me nuts.
Any OpenGL veterins out there able to shed some light on this?
When the car is textured instead, polygons seem to appear and disappear for no reason. NOTHING is different except the existance of the texture. I'm not sure why it is being rendered like this, but it's driving me nuts. This is the first real texturing I've done on something. I checked that all the texture coords are correct, and they are. I can't figure it out but it's driving me nuts.
In the untextured images (the first two) you see a complete car (the windows look odd due to the way they were rendered, you can ignore them).
In the textured images you see the same model only polygons are missing (they come and go as the car rotates). Depending on where the camera is the problem's scope changes. For example, with the camera in closer (like in the untextured pictures) the roof NEVER shows up. I've messed with the viewing volume and that doesn't seem to make a difference. Lighting and culling are both off so that can't be causing the problem. This is really driving me nuts.
Any OpenGL veterins out there able to shed some light on this?