Opening multiple windows???


Right now when you open a folder in OS X, it opens it in the same window rather than opening a new window. Is there any way to make X act like OS 9 and open a new window? Without closing the old window? This would make dragging and dropping a lot easier for me.

G4 400
PC 100 Graphite Tower
448 MB RAM
10 GB
OSX 10.02
Right now when you open a folder in OS X, it opens it in the same window rather than opening a new window. Is there any way to make X act like OS 9 and open a new window? Without closing the old window? This would make dragging and dropping a lot easier for me.

Yes actually there is. In order to have this happen you must hide the toolbar. In the right hand side of that window you will see a capsule-like looking button. If you click on it the toolbar will disappear and windows will open in new windows. This is to bring back the traditional look and feel of the finder. (Thank you apple for listening!)

One more note, to bring back the status bar (the bar below the window title that showed you how many items and how much space was available) simply go to the view menu and select "Show Status Bar"

voila - Instant MacOS 9 :)