on Mac OS X



Sun released a pre-alpha app for Mac OS X. It uses X-11, so you'll need X Darwin or Orobor OS X to make it work, and it's slow, ugly, and buggy. But it's proof that it's finally making progress. I hear they're trying to get developers at WWDC to start working on making it Aqua-native.

You can get it here:
Looks like someone listened to my whinning! LOL :D

OroborOSX? Weird name :P

Well, now I got an excuse to try and install X11 again - I kept running into problems before.

Does anyone have any recommendations on installing X11 - like where do I get packages from and whatnot...

Thanks! :)
This isn't Sun, is it? I thought Sun stopped all development on it and handed it off to the open source community to port to OSX.

It sure is ugly...but I'm glad they're working on it. I'd love to pay for a copy of an aqua version of it.

Oh...and the weather thing is weatherpop. Neat little app for those of you that never look out the window ;)
lethe, that's WeatherPop - I have it too. I love it! :)

Aluminum, I do think that's the open source community doing it as it's Open Office and not Star Office, it's based on Star Office.

I should just give you the link and shut up cuz I haven't followed Open Office before to really be talking like I know what I'm saying! lol ;)

And yeah it's ugly as sin... but it'll turn purdy sooner or later, as long as it works I won't complain! :D

And I don't think we'll have to pay for it since it's OpenOffice, until Sun turns it into StarOffice only then we'll have to pay for it...
Again I should just shut up and let you look at the link since I don't truly know what I'm talking about! LOL :D
Originally posted by Tormente

OroborOSX? Weird name :P


Does anyone have any recommendations on installing X11 - like where do I get packages from and whatnot...
I can't say this will be a piece of cake, but for me worked. Just follow the directions and read some of the posts in the Darwin board, there's a bunch of suggestions.

And I don't know if you were kidding but OroborOSX is the windowmanager :) It has nothing to do with openoffice but you will want a window manager too. The default that comes with the Xdarwin package is called twm and it's pretty dull. Search for it on
I won't use any app the requires X. Too much of a bother for me. I use the Gimp on my PC for real graphics editing, and I have a gratis copy of MS Office v.X from an MS consultant visiting the office. :) OpenOffice on the PC side.
On Apple's site at there is a release of X-Windows that uses the standard graphical installer. Very, very easy to set up. Add in OroborosX, and you're set to go.
Sadly, I have yet to find any way to get Gimp going other than through Fink, and Fink doesn't recognise that I already have X-Windows up and running. I'm sure I'll get around to figuring that one out some time.
Did you load the xwindows-system package?

use dselect and scroll to the section about x11 and there is a package there that has something to do with letting fink know you have x11 already installed. That's what I did.
I think it's time to declare that download dead. I started downloading OpenOffice at about 11 this morning and here it is 1030 with only 16.3 meg under it's belt. I can't bare to reach a full 12 hours when I'm on a shared T3. that's just pathetic.

Does anyone have the compressed file still that would be willing to mirror it on an idisk? I really want to try this out.