Optical Drive keep alive ? is it possible


Hello Peeps

here's the situation: i just put in a new NEC DVD+-RW 2510a into my B&W G4 450 and its working like a charm. I used pathburn2 to get iApps support, (mainly burning in iTunes).

i dont know if its patch burn or OSX thats causing the problem but its been noted on the drivedb that this drive isnt 100% compatible. basically anytime a disk is left in the drive and it spins down, the volume is lost, and there is no way to eject till a reboot.

logically the easiest way to deal is to not leave a disk in the drive, but this is a pain when im coping gigs off a disk, or my roomies are playing toons off a cd, no one wants to sit there waiting to eject, in fear of missing the end and 'timing out'.

ive thought of a work-around, and im hoping for a little help from the pro's (thats where you come in)

is there a way to have a script that gets activated on disk insert that will do a keep alive. like an 'ls' or anything on a timed cycle till eject, to get around this little 'bug'.

thats the best way ive figured out to deal, if anyone has a better idea please speak up. any help would be appreciated
thanks yall
If you haven't already done so, I would uncheck the "Put hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" option in the Energy Saver preferences. There was a problem with early Pioneer DVD-RW drives similar to yours, and unchecking this option solved it for most.
Well, im a bone head...
who asks for tech support and forgets which OS thier on
i should know this kind of thing too, because i do web support, mey,

anyway, i am on panther, so good call 'andychrist' to try patchburn 3. but i swear when i baught my drive, there wasnt a v3 yet

and 'ElDiabloConCaca' as for the power saver thing, i read that on the driveDB, tried it (with v2) but it did nothing for me

now with patchburn 3 profiles installed (and the power saver off) my disk volumes are no longer getting lost.

Thanks gang
thats another unsolved mistery, under raps

yall rock