optimal messenger for os10.2.8 on g3


afte two weeks of struggling, i managed to find the firmware-update neccesary to run os 10.2.8 on this old g3 power pc. the machine will not support a higher os. therefore, i am constricted to messenging via messenger4. It seems the best alternitive is Mercury 1.8. However, no matter how i try and download it, i end up on a greenish/yellow/orange looking site which is no longer supported.
question 1: is Mercury trulu my best option?
question 2: if so, how do i obtain it?
thanx-i will try adium. the rest however, doesn't look like a good idea. this machine is currently running at max performance. it won' support more.
just been checking post facto. looks like you're right. i'll be trying next weekend. thanx
many users find that, unlike windows, mac os get's faster with each release, as the code is optimised further and further. you may see an increase in general speed, and also appreciate a more mature os.
the argument of more efficient os-'s is new to me. i think i'll try to backup the system as it is to a dvd and then try and follow your lead. thanx
just checked post-facto. looks promising. i'll give it a try next weekend. thanx
the thing to remember is that the processor speed doesn't affect the OS as much as ram does on macs. stick as much ram as the computer can take, and you'll see os x fly. Specifically, what G3 do you have?

i have a 700mhz G3, and as far as the OS goes, is virtually indistinguishable from my dual 1.8ghz G5. both are running Tiger, both have more than 512mb ram. it's only in the processor tasks (video, encoding, saving etc) that it's noticably slower, as it should be.
i run a tower-model g3 power pc on a speed of 266 Mhz. It currently has two time 80mb ram and 1 time 128mb ram installed, totalling 288 mb. i believe i will try and change the two 80mb pieces for 128's and then the machine will be as fast as possible. any ideas as to how to obtain the 128's?
although apple claim 384mb as being the maximum for Beige G3 Towers, using 168pin PC66 memory, the actual maximum is 768mb ram, and you can use PC133 168pin as well, pushing prices down and availability up. i would buy either a 512mb stick to replace the 128mb stick, or replace the two 80mb sticks with two 256mb's, giving you 672mb, or 640mb respectively.

to get the maximum (768mb) you would replace the two 80gb with a 512mb, and another 128mb.

i managed to obtain a 256 mb stick and a 128 mb stick. the 256 is in the first slot, the two 128's in the next two slots. seems to be working; running both messenger and firefox is no longer unacceptably slow. i'll be looking for 1 more stick with 256 and that will be it then, i guess. thanx for the advice

i still would suggest the upgrade to Panther, though, it's a far more mature OS, and means you can keep it updated to 10.3.9, which is compatible with pretty much everything.

also, Exposé is ace
i have downloaded and installed xpostfacto4 and it looks like it made the machine faster, while still running os10.2.8. Now i have two questions:
-what would be the best os -panther option?
-how do i get it?
a friend who is an advanced apple-user but lives in the south of france, is sending panther cd's by mail . thanks for your guidance to xpostfacto!