OS 10.1.1 beach ball stoping!!!

Ronnie Fitz

:confused: hi i wonder if eneyone has seen this?
after i did the the upgrade! everytime i restart
the little beach ball spins for awile and then it
stops for 30 sec. everytime i restart????????
could someone else comfirm this???
it did not do this before!!!!
yes 30 sec. everytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my setup
400 mh g4 agp graphics
640 megs of ram
os 10 is on a 42 gig drive buy itself
i havent seen eneyone say enything about this here yet.
please help this is anoying as hell
it isn't thirty seconds for me, more like four or five, but i've seen this happening. seems to be normal, i've heard other people report it, so there doesn't seem to be reason to worry... :)
the best way to prevent this from happening: don't restart ... :p
i agree with sith, Just dont restart. you really shouldn't have to restart your OSX machine! :D
thats a good ida!!but i use os 9.1 for hard disk recording!!!
so i have to boot into 9.1 i use digital performer
and it will not work in os x
i cant use digital performer in classic
i mean the ball stopping for 30 sec. dosent bother me that bad
i was just wondering if somone one was aware of this besides me!
i just thought it was strange that it dident do it before the upgrade.
i dident know if it was a flub on apples part
or if it was ment to be! it just takes me longer now to boot up tp os x
thanks Ronnie

I can confirm a similar happening on my G4/466...I agree it's annoying that the ball no longer continues spinning while showing (on my setup, it spins for maybe 5 secs. and then stops spinning for 10 to 15 seconds). But, total boot time hasn't changed...a little more than a minute. :p

When I installed 10.1.1 and then Airport 2.0 on my TiBook, after reboot the SCUD (Spinning Cursor of Death) would come up after desktop loaded, and it would just spin and spin. I tried killing the Finder but that wouldn't work. So finally, I had no other but to reinstall 10.1 and then reinstall 10.1.1. That went fine, so I assumed the culprit was Airport 2.0, so I left that off. I had a similar problem on my G4/400 AGP. So I've stayed away from the Airport 2.0 installer for now. I'll wait for the next revision....
I had it the very first time I booted using 10.1.1. Other than that I haven't had any trouble with it at all. No applications would even work after I rebooted and I figured that I, like many others, had hosed my system by installing the 10.1.1 update. After I tried to reboot from within the OS and it froze I thought I was extra screwed. I pressed the reset button and after it came back up OS X is running better than it ever has before. It's SO much faster than 10.1.0 for me.