Os 10.1.3



cool eh?
I can't wait for OS 10.1.3 but did anyone else see the OS 9-ish boxes in the top left corner of that window? I seriously hope that's not in 10.1.3, I like OS X the way it is I don't want Apple goin' back to OS 9 just please a few whiners who don't wanna learn how OS X works.
have no fear, that's just some theme a user has installed. apple will sell aqua on all of us for quite some time. they might refine it a tiny bit (like they have with platinum from 8.1 to 8.5) but apple is no company that changes such basic things (for them consequent design was always important) forth and back.

i'd still appreciate an enhanced platinum appearance (as an option) for mac os x. it'd just have to remove the lines and the transparency in the menus (for me), the white could stay (mostly because applications such as MS Office don't REALLY adhere to Apple's HI guidelines (try the theme used in above screenshot with Office v. X and it looks BUTT ugly, because parts of Office seem to stay in Aqua, basically forcing me to stay with Aqua - which [good luck!] I like fine).
10.1.3 Just Released. Check Software Update.
"Update 10.1.3 delivers enhancements that improve the reliability of Mac OS X applications, important security features and includes new and updated support for a variety of Digital Hub peripheral devices. Specific updates include:

CD Disc Recording Peripherals:

- Expanded support for QPS, EZQuest, LaCie, Yamaha, MCE Technologies and Sony devices

Image Capture and iPhoto:

- Improved support for several digital camera models from Canon, Kodak and Sony

Graphics and OpenGL Improvements:

- DVD Playback on external VGA displays on PowerBook G4

- PowerBook video mirroring will be on by default when connecting to a new display

- Improvements for iTunes when the full screen visualizer is used

Networking and Security Improvements:

- Login authentication support for LDAP and Active Directory services

- OpenSSH version 3.0.2p1

- WebDAV support for Digest authentication

- Mail includes support for SSL encryption"