Os 10.2.8 On G3 350mhz


I installed OS 10.2.8 on a G3 iMac (350 MHz processor) yesterday and the install was successful. Everything was working fine, and I installed Office 2004 and Acrobat Professional 7.0. When I turned it on this morning the screen was too dark. I tried customizing the screen settings in System Preferences and that didn't work. I tried just increasing the brightness from the keyboard and that didn't work (although the brightness indicator did show up on the screen). The screen was just too dark and you could barely see anything. I tried resetting the PRAM (command, opt, P, R) and that didn't work. Now the machine won't even turn on! I get the startup sound but there's nothing on the display and I don't hear any hard drive noise. What do I do??!
I actually fixed it! What I had to do was take the HD out and stick it into another computer with a free HD slot, then reinstall OS 9. After that, I put the HD back into the iMac and updated the firmware (the screen was just visible enough to do this). OS 9 was fine, and I just re-installed OS 10.2. Looks OK now.