OS 8.6<>PC for files, printer


I have a friend that I am selling my PB 1400 to. It's running OS 8.6 with 48 MB RAM (and we have no plans to upgrade; from what I understand of the PB 1400, 8.6 is about where it tops out at).

She plans to network it to a PC box (what flavor of Windows I'm not sure; does it matter?) to share files and a printer.

I've recommended that she use an ethernet cross-over cable to physically connect the two machines. First question: Is there any reason why a cross-over cable would NOT work?

I've recommended that she purchase Dave (from Thursby) to share files both ways and to share a printer. Second Question: Is there a cheaper solution for what she wants to do other than Dave's $140 sticker price? Third Question: She plans to link the printer in question to her PC. Is there any reason why Dave would not let her choose that printer in her PB Chooser and print directly. She does NOT want to go through the hassle of transferring a file to the PC, opening it, and printing it from there.

Thanks for helping my friend - and therefore our friendship!:)