Os 9.2.1 w/ DP MDD 1.25


I booted off the MacOS9.2.1 CD and it does not reconize any of my drives. The installer does not find the drive nor does diskcopy.

Systems is MDD 1.25 DP with 1 gig memory and 120 gig primary drive with a 30 gig on the second IDE channel. Any one know the fix or what Iam doing wrong?


What are you trying to do? What OS do you have on those drives? If you have straight OS X, the OS 9 CD will not see those drives. You need to use the OS X CD.

Now if these are empty drives, you need to run Drive set up on the OS 9 CD.

If you just installed those drives, did you make sure you have one as master and the other as slave?
As Cheryl asked, do you have OS 9 installed on either drive now. If you have formatted the drives without OS 9 drivers, that may explain why the drives are not seen. If that is the case, you will have to reformat, including installing OS 9 drivers, to allow for OS 9 access. You would only need to do this to the drive that needs OS 9 access.
Some OS 9 app installs won't work with 1 GB or more RAM installed, but should install if you remove some memory(just to allow the install) and reinstall memory after install is successful.
Aren't the MDD computers incapable of booting into OS 9? Or is that just supposed to be off an installation thereof?
The above replies are correct, if the drives weren't formatted with the OS 9 drivers (can be done either via OS 9 disk or OS X disk) then they won't show up under OS 9.

Which dual 1.25 model is your mac? The first generation which is the same as mine (albeit I have the dual 1 gig model) is capable of OS 9 booting, I believe it was the next generation of the MDD macs that they did away from the OS 9 boot capability.

Even though I don't ever boot into OS 9 anymore (and only use classic for my out of date scanner software) I still keep a fully boot-able copy of 9 on a separate partition.

I do believe that I read, that you just recently picked this machine up at CompUSA. If that is true, and you haven't moved to much data onto your hard drives, you might be able to do a little moving around/re-initializing with OS 9 drivers if that is what you want.

Good Luck
fix was to install a 20 gig on the ATA 66 IDE bus and then load OS9, which I did from with-in OSX. worked great....

So it must have been OS9 drivers, This systems has been restored with the factory restore disk so I assumed that OS 9 drivers would be installed ---- Turned out that they were not.\

Thanks though

Thanks, I had checked out Vue Scan, although it had been a while ago and at that time it didn't support my scanner.

I just looked again and it is on the supported list, downloaded it....and still doesn't work. :(

It makes the scanner move, but the output is about an 1/8" high by 4" wide, no matter what adjustments I made.

I'm a little leery about paying the shareware fee (I wouldn't have a problem paying the fee if I knew it worked properly.)

As it sits, I'm not sure if this scanner is worth dumping to much money into as it is kinda old, and scanners of better quality are out that are fairly cheap.

But again thanks for the heads up. :)
I have a scanner that needs classic also. Vue Scan does not support it and no one is making OS X drivers for it.