OS 9 Driver needed for Sony DRU-720A


Got a great deal on a new DVD+R drive and I got carried away... I bought it without checking if I needed a driver for OS 9... relying on blind faith that the Mac will run anything. Needless to say, I now have no idea where to get a driver for it.

My current set up is a G4/500...

I know there's Patchburn for OS X but I won't be moving up to OS X for another 2 months (gotta stagger my purchases)... Would really appreciate it if someone can point me to a patch or a driver download so that I can run this superb drive. Cheers!
I'd considered that... but I'm porting all my Macs to OSX in a couple of months... so I'm not keen on buying any new OS9 software...

But a coupla months is a looooong time to be sitting on some sweet piece of hardware and not be able to use it... :(

Currently running a Wallstreet PB, G4/500 and a Quicksilver. The Quicksilver is running the Splash RIP at the office and that's on OS9... but the other 2 are getting bumped to OSX and I have new Macs coming in...
Actually, Roxio has the OS 9 version with the OS X version on the same CD. (At least that is how my CD is).

You could use the drive on one of the machines that does run OS X and get Toast.