OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(


I suddenly had this morning the weirdest prob:

When opening explorer it loads my startpage.html from my local disk, but suddenly since today explorer hangs and gives me the small dialog window, but with NO content. After a short while, eudora did the same. I was repairing the whole day with no result. But cause of that, a cd was inserted and when the same crash appeared the cd door opened and I saw the same empty dialog window.

Now I know MacOs wants me to insert a new cd, but WHICH ONE?? I am going crazy for this! How can I get beyond this point again without inserting all my cd's that are lying around here :-(

I tried all: rebuilding, resetting pram, norton, diskwarrior, nothing helped so far...

Please help!
BTIA - Big Thanks In Advance ;-)
You might try booting with your Hardware Test cd to see if there's a problem with your motherboard or other internal components. When you restart (hopefully with the test cd already in the drive) hold down the "c" key to force the computer to boot from the cd drive as the system folder. This same thing happened to me when my motherboard when on the fritz. I couldn't boot up my comptuer. I hope you have a lesser problem, but your case sounds familiar. Let me know how it goes!

Have you backed up all the files on your computer? You could try reinstalling your system software as a last resort but that will wipe any and all files on your computer.

I forgot. Check your preference folder and list them by date. The newest ones could possibly be corrupt. Save a copy of the preferences somewhere else (rename the folder XXXPREFERENCES, or something like that) and delete the most suspect ones in the list. Maybe you have a corrupt preference file which can wreak havoc on the entire system if conditions are right.
Hardware Test Cd?

Cannot remember one coming with OS 9.
It's the Mac at my work, so will try the other option tomorrow a.s.a.p.

thanks for your reply, will let you know what happened!
One other thing to try is resetting the motherboard. This may not be an option for you since its your work computer, but the reset button is on the motherboard (you have to open the computer), its usually small and black around the PRAM battery or processor. This has saved me two or three times.

Oh, and the hardware test CD comes with the computer, not with the Mac OS (its different for every computer).
You can safely re-install the system folder without it touching your applications and programs.
Boot with the OS 9 Cd, then double click on the installer. the second window that comes up at the bottom will have Clean Install. Check that. Now you will have a new fresh system folder (minus your printer driver, etc) and the old one will be renamed Previous System Folder. That will have all your drivers and preference files.

Did you install anything new lately? Download something that might be a virus?
First of all, it's sooo nice to see people here helping out, even more when talking bout Mac OS 9!! At home I am at the point that I cannot live without Jaguar anymore, so didn't expect a lot of reactions!

I don't have any hardware test cd, so I tried updating from 9.1 tot 9.2.2. No luck, still same prob.

No I am reinstalling OS 9, clean install. Probably will do the trick.

Virus?? I cannot imagine, I cannot remembering installing any new app lately.

Tell you later what happens after new install!

Thnx again.
As expected: now is all fine again, cost me 1.5 day, but then again system is faster than before again!
You had a building problem, that you corrected by giving it a fresh system folder. You should rebuild your desktop periodically and run Disk first aide or a Utility such as Norton at least once every two months.
No! I found the Bugger! ATM. (type manger)

I probably had loaded a font from cd, but still don't know which. I open a lot of old backups, so not easy to find.

Thing is, installed ATM again, and *boom* same problem again... If I restart Mac without ATM extension there's no prob, but I need it...

Any tips? I disabled all the fonts, no luck.
Get rid of ATM. All of it. What version do you have? I recall them updating ATM for OS 9. It is a download and not on any CD from another application.
Check the preference file for ATM, does it have a new date?

Also, how many fonts do you have loaded in ATM? Turn off some that you don't need and see if that helps.

Originally posted by Geminis
never had ANY problem with ATM, but will see abou that update, thanks!

If you are using Suitcase there is a known conflict with ATM. Inserting a space after the tilde and before the 'S' in ~Suitcase MenuFonts so it looks like this ~ Suitcase MenuFonts should resolve that conflict.

Lance :D