OS X 10.1 vs. 10.2... improvements?


Here's an article I happen to pass by. DISCLAIMER, NOT TRYING TO START A FLAME WAR

"Ditching" OSX 10.1 article...

It very well outlined everything I feel about OS 10.1. However, since people are starting to use Jaguar, I need some real world tests that relate to that article's problems, if you don't mind. Please don't bother with the "of course it's faster" crap, either, becuase I'm not hearin' it... I'm looking for some results...

Much obliged,

me :)
im using it right now, os related things are quicker, black and white the game is slower probably because of QE, certain file sharing programs dont work (dave, dnsupdate, crushftp etc) it looks a little cleaner...

its an OS update, not a huge deal, i probably should have waited until everything was compatible :(
I've been running it for over a week now, I must say that Apple really did alot of work. Its the subtle things that are different. Aqua is toned down, performance is excellent. Spinning ball is almost non-existent. The digital hub section of the system preferences is gone. iChat has some weird quirks, but beyond that, this is a perfect OS.
I have been using it for about two to three weeks now and I must say it's quite good. Especially if you compare it to 10.1 :p

Though I must say the speed improvements are not that great. What happens when you install an update like this from Apple is that the installer will prebind pretty much everything, so that fact contributes to the "faster feel" but it'll disapear after a few weeks.. But yes, the windowmanager is now a lot more effective.

It's good, but not all Apple made it out to be. I'm looking forward to 10.5.

The localisation is much better (at least for dutch), login and overall speed are noticable faster, it generally looks more complete.

Some of the software that accompanies OSX (terminal (prefs), textedit, netinfo, mail, adressbook, printcenter ...) got a lot better.

Ditto for some of the system prefs. Most striking: you have an "your acount" and "acounts" pref, a CD/DVD pref, the sharing pref is extended with presets like ftp, windows fileserver, printersharing, ... and a GUI for the firewall, the internet pref now has an idisk tab wich shows the remaining space (and reminds you that you should subscribe), the classic pref got an overhaul to (more info and control), ...

Some software is new: Audio/Midi configuration, ODBCmanagement, bluetooth.

Most of my old (X) software still works, except Formac tevion. The spinning ball is still there.

Generally this is a very good update. More like going from system 7 to 8 then from 8 to 9. I'm very happy with it, now only getting a working iSync and iCal version.
Definitely less beach ball on my PowerBook. Startup and Login speed _is_ much better, but my Ti hangs a bit on the grey-in-grey Apple screen (the first thing of Jaguar you'll see), so I can't really state that boot speed is better for me. But then again, I reboot maybe four to six times a year (based on when Apple releases updates). All in all everything looks and works smoother in Jaguar. It's _well_ worth the money.