OS X 10.4.4 Killed My Audio!


Okay, it's not really dead. Perhaps it's just "resting."

But ever since I installed the 10.4.4 update (via Software Update), I get no sound out of many programs that had worked fine under 10.4.3.

For example, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Hey, what can I say? I love that game. Oh, and Adobe Flashplayer 8. Neither produce any sound. Yet iTunes and all Apple system sound resources tend to work just fine.

Any thoughts? Is Apple aware of this? Has anyone heard of a forthcoming fix?

Thanks in advance for any information anyone can provide!

I've never heard of this problem in relation to a software update, but I've heard many similar reports of audio dying in many apps. The solution has always been to simply load GarageBand. Don't ask me why this works; all I know is that I've never seen it fail. I hope it'll solve your problem, too.
Thanks, Mikuro.

Unfortunately, loading/installing Garageband doesn't seem to do the trick. I recently bought and installed Garageband 3, and no joy. Also, I tried downloading and running the Combo Updater directly from Apple, also to no avail.

Any other thoughts or ideas from anyone would sure be appreciated. Otherwise, I'll just wait for Apple to fix what they broke. And run 10.4.3 from another volume.

Thanks again!

I don't know if this is related, but eversince I updated to 10.4.4, my Volume Control always gets to drop off to Mute sometime after booting. Even if I bring the volume back to its normal position, it eventually gets back to Mute. I haven't yet been able to track down the specific action or the specific application that brings this glitch.
The Mute button on my keyboard doesn't seem to be at fault.
i'll keep on checking.
Thanks, Mikuro! You were absolutely right- loading Garageband did the trick. I thought I had tried that before to no avail, but upon re-reading your suggestion, I decided to give it a try. One note: you have to actually load in a song. The first time I tried it, I just got to the "new song" or "load song" screen and quit. That obviously wasn't enough.

Anyway, YAY!

So, to anyone who has audio problems after updating to 10.4.4, just load Garageband.


Mikuro said:
I've never heard of this problem in relation to a software update, but I've heard many similar reports of audio dying in many apps. The solution has always been to simply load GarageBand. Don't ask me why this works; all I know is that I've never seen it fail. I hope it'll solve your problem, too.
I had problems with my audio
but not after updating to 10.4.4

The problem came about after d/ling some audio software
My initial problem is highlighted here
but is now solved


I simply opened garageband and my last song..hey presto

I again had sound from my internet browser, real player and quicktime
