OS X 4L5


There is a discussion on MacNN about an update to OS X. I have the file now but I have not installed it. I plan on looking through the files to see if its a legit update. Its supposed to make everything a bit faster and it includes SSH. I may update my system and keep you informed. If it turns out to be legit I'll probably post it on my iDisk.

I'll keep you informed,
Just to let you know the files are both package files:



Ignore the dashes they are just to get the derictory structure to look right.

I'll post more details later,
Like I said I will post it on my iDisk IF I find out that it is real and not dangerous for others to install.
Never mind. I just installed it.

I don't see a huge difference but maybe I'm just being a pessimist.

Now that we have ssh, what would be the best way to kill the telnet port but open the ssh port?
10.0.1 update will be out tomorrow anyway.. figures.. better get it officially via software update in system preference.

what axactly does this update fix/update ? (and no I dont want the obvious "It updates OS X...duuh!" :-p be more specific ) :-)

Just updated. Window resizing is lightning fast now. Much nicer than before. Apps launch a bit faster. Overall the system seems much more responsive than before. I'll post a list of files that were installed in a while.

Just wait till tomorrow for official release so you can click the software update in system preference to get the official apple 10.0.1 update. (it will be only 4.1mb)



Dont have OS X (waiting for sufficient upgrades before I buy :-p)
that is the reason I want to know what everything does :-p
Well here is the list of files that were installed or modified:

Listing files for 10.0.1 Update
./System/Library/CoreServices/Classic Startup.app/Contents/Resources/TruBlueEnvironment
./System/Library/CoreServices/Classic Startup.app/Contents/Resources/version.plist

PS: I just launched Classic. It used to take 30-50 seconds to start-up. Now it takes about 10 seconds.

Also Admiral it includes SSH and there are now speakable items so you can use the speech recognition software built into the OS. The system is much more responsive. Apps launch faster and windows resize without stuttering so much.

Found another bug that is fixed w/ the update. In 4K78 the classic environment used a separate clipboard so you couldn't cut and paste between the two environments. Now this works fine. NOTE: if I'm wrong then one of the apps I was running was causing this problem.
I'm using the update now and my system is actually slower! It now takes 11 bounces to launch ie. I can't tell any difference with window resizing. Oh well, What can i expect only days after osx was release.. even though this build is from weeks ago!
Installed this onto a wallstreet with 192megs of ram, definately faster in the screen redraws. classic does launch faster but it still takes its time on this old machine.
Keychain now asks for authorisation when you launch mail.
I'm amazed, I noticed everything got faster without changing something as far as I know. Did OS X update itself???

(see also my separate thread about this...)
Originally posted by fisherbln
I'm using the update now and my system is actually slower! It now takes 11 bounces to launch ie. I can't tell any difference with window resizing. Oh well, What can i expect only days after osx was release.. even though this build is from weeks ago!

Did you reboot after installing? The system slows down after you install but gets much faster after you reboot.
Originally posted by boult
Just wait till tomorrow for official release so you can click the software update in system preference to get the official apple 10.0.1 update. (it will be only 4.1mb)

How do you know this? It's not out yet (and today is tomorrow :) ). For all I know, they might not release it for weeks.
Where the heck did you get this updated. I checked Software updated nothing happened. Huh? I want my system updated too!
xjamesx - turn off telnet etc. in the internet control panel, and then edit the file /etc/hostconfig. change the line
and you should be good to go.

Also, not a bad idea to make a firewall script and block out all ports you don't specifically want open. Search the forums for firewall, you should turn up enough to get you started.
Originally posted by MacFreak
Where the heck did you get this updated. I checked Software updated nothing happened. Huh? I want my system updated too!

Search the forums at MacNN and you'll find a link (assuming it hasn't been taken down). d/l it and install.