OS X and sleep


Owner, Mac Game Database
Hey there.

I just got a Titanium/400 cheap, and so I've decoded to run X exclusively on it. I'm using it as a mobile/offline Web development box (PHP/MySQL).

Anyway, the way sleep is handled in OS X is annoying me, and before I complain to Apple, I'd like to make sure I'm not being an idiot.

As far as I can tell, OS X has two sleep modes, which I will call "light" and "deep". In the first mode, a cheesy apple logo screen saver-type thing comes on. In the second, the screen is completely blank.

I also have Seti at Home installed, which may be causing problems as well.

My issues are as follows:

(1) Is it possible to prevent the system from sleeping?

(2) The second sleep mode (which I call "deep") results in all of my applications being quit. This is particularly annoying, because if I just run to the store to grab some food, and come back, I have to restart everything and re-acclimatize myself before I can get back to work.

Is this issue related to my setup somehow or is this how they intended it to be?

Any insight would be helpful.
The 1st mode isn't sleep, it's just your screen saver running.

When you enter real sleep (either by way of selecting it by the menu, or hitting the power button, or by the energy saver prefs kicking in), your screen will go black and you will be in sleep mode. Your applications should stay up. If they are quitting on you, then you have a legit problem. I have a TiBook 500 and entering sleep isn't a problem at all, even with Classic opened.

Try these things...

1st - disable Seti. That could be the main culprit. Eliminate it and see if the problem persists...

2nd - Open your System Prefs, select Classic, and uncheck "Put Classic To Sleep"

Now try to enter sleep with a few apps open. Close your laptop lid, wait for the light to turn off. Give it a few seconds and reopen it. All your apps should still be running...
I'm kind of confused as to why all your applications quit, because they shouldn't.

The "sleep" where a "cheesy apple logo screen saver-type thing comes on" IS actually a screen saver. Go to the System Preferences application (activated by going through the Apple Menu), click on Screen Saver, then click on "Activation" and click on "Never". This way the screen saver will not automatically pop up.

The second true "light" sleep is actually just putting your display to sleep, and can be activated automatically. True sleep is accomplished by the sleep command from the Apple menu, and is also activated automatically sometimes. Both this light and deep sleep (not the Screen Saver "sleep") are activated automatically via the Energy Saver pane in the System Preferences application. Just go to the Energy Saver pane and set the settings there.

However, none of these should quit all of your open applications, unless something is trying to shut your computer down totally and fails. As far as I know, there is no built-in setting to shut down or start up the computer automatically (in OS 9), so if your applications are really quitting on any of these kinds of sleep, then something is wrong.
yeah, it looks like it's SETI at Home that's causing the strange app quitting.

Bummer; I've been running that for years on all my machines here.

Oh well...I'll wait for the next version.
I find that there is one nagging problem with sleep mode; when it's activated all file transfer (uploading and downloading) and network activity, which may be happening in any given application, just stops. For example if I'm logged onto an IRC server and put the computer to sleep for a minute or two, upon awakening the computer I find that I have been disconnected.

Does anyone know if there is a way to remedy this?
g3joel, why would you want to put your computer to sleep for a minute or two?
i'd just put on the screensaver ... spinning the harddisk up and down all the time won't do it much good ... you should only put the computer to sleep if you're going away for quite a while ... :)
Originally posted by sithious
g3joel, why would you want to put your computer to sleep for a minute or two?
i'd just put on the screensaver ... spinning the harddisk up and down all the time won't do it much good ... you should only put the computer to sleep if you're going away for quite a while ... :)

Oh, I just did it that one time to be able to observe the effects it had on various network activity.
... well, sleep automatically disconnects from the internet. this makes sense, as you can't download anything anyway if your harddisk is sleeping ...
download = incoming data = disk activity = no sleep ...
you can of course send the monitor to sleep separately in system prefs (energy saver) :)
Normally I just switch the monitor off by pressing the button on the front of it, it's easier :)

Also, since my computer is in my bedroom and I like to leave it on overnight, incoming data = disk activity = no sleep (for me)

hehehe :p