OS X Backup


Hey guys and girls, hope you can help me !

I want to make an excact copy of my installed & completely configured OS X server 10.1.3. The purpose of that copy is to benefit others : Just restore/copy/insert/replace/whatever my OS X server disk to another disk and make it work.

That's the question.... I did some research though :) ....

I think i tried everything. I used diskcopy with ASR 2.1.2 and up, i tried all utils in Mac OS X Server, i tried third party utils like FWB Backup, etc, etc, etc. I can make a copy, YES, i can make it work, YES, i can make it boot, YES, i can make it work after booting, YES, but what i can't manage is to copy the freaking UNIX privileges and hardlinks !! I read several papers about all those, especially the hard links, but all options do not work for me.

All efforts i did resulted in the same problem : I got a fully working (as it seems...) OS X Server but all privileges and hardlinks are screwed up. Even when i (e.g.) use Disk Copy and ASR and always use the same name for my system partition. The names seems not important : the hardlinks do seem important. All options i tried result in screwing up privileges witch can be seen in the Server Admin. Under "Users" select a user and look at his sharepoint : he hasn't got any... And you cant appoint his default profile either (/Users/UserName). Another one is to look at your sharepoints : They are all screwed up !

You are all to great to help me with this ! I love Unix, so something with "ditto" i would understand, but the ones i must share thsi with will not be very fond of Unix so if this could be done in the GUI : Better ! :)

Thanx in advance guys and girls !