Originally posted by Kazrog
FrgMstr - Apple's software is good, but software can be pirated. Hardware can't be!! That is a VERY important difference. Also, Be's software was arguably better than Mac OS X and, as was previously stated, couldn't be GIVEN away!!!
vanguard - I don't know where you are getting your "facts" but they are simply untrue. Macs still consistently win every speed test I've seen against PCs.
That answers the question "Why product activation?" They are trying to expand their profits but end up losing valuable mindshare.
Office is where the majority of the M$ profit, I thought that you knew that Fraggy. Why do you think that they are not going to support Office 97 anymore while simutaneously removing 2k from the shelves. So they can start with "software as a service", a.k.a. subscription model. Hence .net. I think that .net could be the backfire of Microsoft that brings it back down to this planet. Linux is cloning the .net technology at a much cheaper cost, not to mention for free, not to mention the lack of security holes in Linux or BSD compared to XP or their next OS, Microsoft Windows .net, (also called Longhorn).
Now that everyone is catching up to Office curve (Open Office and Star Office) all these apps need is the next M$ non-spyware killer app combined with their low price in order to wreck M$ and make it bleed blood red. Imagine Steve Ballmer's convulsions when he loses a billion dollars in a day. I believe that we are going to live to see that day. All that IT managers and corporate executives need to do is weed out pro-M$ MC$E's and send them packing to Burger King where they belong.
When M$ weakens themselves Mac OS 11 truly has the chance to gain market share. That's where it helps Apple. Despite the claims of a singular troll on a MacCentral news site, the penguin is Apple's greatest ally. When M$'s profit stream dries permanantly, then all the MS has to lean on is the consumer desktop. But the free Linux versus the subscription Longhorn...all Linux needs is an OS 10 like interface and easy install procedures along with a Windows compatibility layer like Classic in OS X. Hopefully Linus Torvalds will get his head out of his ass and make a version of Linux that's open source combined with a truly great UI, Linux version 3.0. That's the KILL MICROSOFT BLUEPRINT people.