um, no offense, but what games? im usually a big time gamer (or atleast was) and im having trouble finding some games, other than the little sharware ones that would run on an organizer. mind posting a few?

the only big game that ive tried is Unreal Tournament ( the beta ) and that didnt go over too good, but i have no idea if that has to do with (in my opinion) not very good supported video card (radeon 32m ddr), the os, the app, or my computer. the only other thing that ive tried is the wolfenstein beta, and for some reason my monitor displays certain things real dark, so i couldnt really see anything to give an evaluation. well, if you post some, awsome! otherwise, i havnt had much luck.
btw, for referrence, i have a g4 single 400 agp (sawtooth) with 704 ram.
and yes, i read the read me for the unreal beta and saw the part where they said that it might not work on some machines, but im just saying i get crappy gameplay for reasons unknown to me (actually, it wouldnt let me click to get out of the intro, or to go into any menu's, so i couldnt actually PLAY the game, just watch that stupid movie at the beginning [which took forever cause it was getting like 3 fps] and quit the program).