OS X icons


I know that icons can be as large as 128x128 pixels in OS X, but what are the different icon sizes? I suppose there's 32x32 and maybe 64x64, but other than that?
Also, what about transparency; can any color be transparent or just white?

I've looked at some application's package contents. I suppose the icons are stored in the .icns file. Is there a way to view the contents of this file? Some icon viewer app for OS X maybe?

Grateful for any and all answers I get.

I know that icons can be as large as 128x128 pixels in OS X, but what are the different icon sizes? I suppose there's 32x32 and maybe 64x64, but other than that?

48x48 is another standard size, as well as 16x16 (obviously, they can be scaled to any size)

Also, what about transparency; can any color be transparent or just white?

It's defined by a mask or alpha channel, so it's whatever you want to be transparent.

I've looked at some application's package contents. I suppose the icons are stored in the .icns file. Is there a way to view the contents of this file? Some icon viewer app for OS X maybe?

IconComposer is part of the developer tools download

[Edited by endian on 11-26-2000 at 11:15 AM]
Originally posted by endian

IconComposer is part of the developer tools download

[Edited by endian on 11-26-2000 at 11:15 AM]

Any possibility to get the IconComposer separately?
The dev. tools is 60 MB and I'm on 56k modem :(
If it can be used separately without having lots of the other files in the dev. tools, maybe someone can send it to me via email (if it's not available for separate download anywhere)?
That would be great...

My email is jonatanj@mac.com

There is another shareware program (buggy though ;-( ) called Icongrapher (sp?). It supports all the various flavors of Mac and Windows icons.
just to add, iconcomposer won't open apps directly - you have to take off the .app extension in the command line, then open the .icns file in the resulting folder with iconcomposer.

the full dev tool package is well worth the download - you get iconcomposer, the property list editor and a bunch of sample apps & code - not to mention project builder and interface bulider. just start the download going and leave it overnight.
There is another shareware program (buggy though ;-( ) called Icongrapher (sp?). [/QUOTE]

It's "Iconographer". I didn't meet any bugs while using it... Made good Mac/Windows -cross platform compatible icons - even the large OS X icons...

You can find Iconographer @ http://www.download.com

Sorry about the spelling error.

Iconographer has literally crashed every time I have used it. I have had crashes during loading, during saving (reproducibly after creating a mask via drag & drop), and simple pencil editing. The app is feature rich with a nice UI. I just cannot trust it.
If you don't want to bother making your own, <A HREF="http://www.xicons.com/">Xicons.com</A> has a huge selection for download.

They also have a few articles on more <A HREF="http://www.xicons.com/advanced/index.phtml">advanced icon edits</A>.

Btw, for those making icons for OS X, check out their monthly contests. The current one is for $120 at any online retailer!

peace out

there is no fixed icon format in OS X really.
I make my icons 16,32,48 and thumbnail (128) using Photoshop and Iconbuilder.
But you can scale icons to any size you want in OS X with the slider.
The \'inbetween sizes dont give goodlooking result though most of the time.
it would be better off with radiobuttons giving you the choice between 16,32,48
and 128.
The format is clear, you SHOULD have all the sizes (which added together are smaller than the thumbnail in bytes). You should also have a nice clickable area (which doesn\'t have to be visible if you\'re smart with the alpha channel). Apple\'s original Project Builder ICON was a good example what NOT to do.

You don't have to take the .app sufix off. Just control click on the icon and choose Show Pakage Contents.
