Os x mountain turkey / ios x

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Apple deleted my post from Apple discussions:

I'm interested to know if anyone else shares my annoyance at Apple making Macs into iOS style devices. I've been a great advocate of Apple over the years. Now the success of the iPad (the giant iPhone) is threatening the beauty and stability of what was once the World's best OS. My concerns are as follows:

- If I wanted an iPad I'd buy one. I don't. Thanks.

- Lion is GREY. GREY MAIL. GREY FINDER. GREY everything. How did that get beyond beta? I can now work less effectively. Downgrade.

- Each useless cloud based OS update (Mountain Lion next.... Groan) stops things like printers working reliably as other manufacturers can't keep track of Apple's changes

- iCloud dropping support for 10.6 and 10.5 is a disgrace. Most people are still using these systems. Where's 10.6.9?!!!! Show your users some love Apple.

Lion? Why bother? I don't need my mac to look like an iPad. Moving forward I'm reconsidering a move to Windows. At least Microsoft doesn't keep changing OS every few months.
My Lion-based Mac looks and operates nothing like my iPad. With every Mac OS X release, my OS X machines continue to do everything they have done since OS X 10.0 with the benefit of additional features.

If you have issues with Mac OS X's design, that's a valid concern, but those have nothing to do with what you can accomplish with OS X nor how you do it.

If you don't like the "iOS-y" portions of Lion, don't use them. The Finder still works as it always has, the Dock still works as it always has, you're not being forced to get any of your software via the App Store (as you can still download from a website or install from CD/DVD), and if you don't like iCloud, don't use it (DropBox and other synchronization utilities work very well).

"Working less effectively" because stuff is a different color may be a stretch, I think. Sure, it takes away ever-so-slightly the ability to identify a button by color, but it's like driving a car: when you get into someone else's car, the gas and brake pedals are still in the same general area -- you don't have to go looking in the trunk or on the roof for them. The windshield wiper switch in your car may go up to turn them on; in a different car, they may do down. Does that prevent one from using the windshield wipers "effectively?"

Mac OS X changes at a rapid pace -- you and I agree on that, I hope. But minor changes don't mean much overall, as using a computer requires the user to be slightly flexible. Mac OS X isn't redesigning things in a radical fashion -- they are minute changes over time that allow the user to become quickly accustomed to the new style. If you're looking to abandon Mac OS X in favor of Windows because of these small changes, I highly recommend you compare Vista/7 to Windows 8 and see how you like those changes, as I think you'll be in for more "culture shock" on that side than you will with Mac OS X.

Hey there. Thanks for your response. I appreciate your time. It's interesting to hear other people's opinions. I spoke to an Apple support technician earlier in the UK. He agreed with many of the comments from the post (off the record of course).

There may be an important distinction here:
1) Pro users - Musicians, producers, film makers, Adobe users (Fonts are not always smooth to migrate across OS's), etc (myself included)
2) Consumer level users - iPhoto, Mail, Garage band, etc

Anyway, hope more people will join the discussion.
Hey there. Thanks for your response. I appreciate your time. It's interesting to hear other people's opinions. I spoke to an Apple support technician earlier in the UK. He agreed with many of the comments from the post (off the record of course).
I would be careful about what I inferred from the Apple tech's comments to you. Just because he acknowledged some of your factually obvious descriptions of LIon does not mean that he slapped his forehead and exclaimed: "My God, you're right! What on Earth were we thinking?! Will you ever forgive us?"

There may be an important distinction here:
1) Pro users - Musicians, producers, film makers, Adobe users (Fonts are not always smooth to migrate across OS's), etc (myself included)
2) Consumer level users - iPhoto, Mail, Garage band, etc

Anyway, hope more people will join the discussion.
Bedeviled by special users. I will not get into what I do for a living. Suffice it to say that my profession requires more skills and education than playing a keyboard. Professionals are judged not by their tools but by their results. Professionals use Macs because their Macs allow them to concentrate on their jobs rather than their computers. I think of a former colleague who would sit down at his Mac Plus and bang out a 20+ page professional engineering paper in a day or so. Yet he did not believe that he was proficient in computers.

Herbie Hancock put a Mac on stage because it just worked. It revolutionized on-stage instrumental music. The Mac of today is a dramatically more advanced machine that Herbie's first on-stage Mac. However, it is no less "professional."
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