> I am seriously thinking about installing OS X on my iMac 333 MHz iMac w/
> 160 megs of RAM. I am currently using 1.4 GB of space on my HD and I am
> going to partition it for OS X so that I ave a seperate partition for OS 9. I
> have a few questions...
> -How big should I make my partitions?
> -Does anyone know how this machine configuration would work in OS X?
> (slow?)
> -Is OS 10.1 a free upgrade from 10?
> -Are there any limitations (besides apps) with OS X?
> Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.
> -Ricky
I use OS X with a SIMILAR configuration (IE: Rev D [333 MHz] iMac). OS X will WORK with a MINIMUM 128 MB. I recomend 256 MB. I don't know how big your HD is, but I replaced my original 4 GB with a 10 MB HD and have split it 50/50 with OS X and Mac OS 9. The thing to remember is that for this PARTICULAR iMac, the OS X partion MUST exist in the first 8 MB of the HD or it will NOT install/work. I assume you haven't read the threads re: the 10.1 upgrade. Information is available from Apple with relatively LITTLE research, but here's the short version. The upgrade to 10.1 is "FREE." It will ONLY be available from Apple on CD ROM (the shipping and handling for which will be $20). There will be NO downloadable upgrade. I'm not sure what you mean by, "limitations." You'll have to be more specific. OS X runs just fine. You WILL notice, that in it's CURRENT incarnation (EG: 10.0.4) OpenGL hardware accelleration DOES NOT WORK. It DOES work with all iMacs AFTER the Rev. D (IE: Rage 128 NOT Rage Pro). OpenGL software rendering, however, works just fine - albiet Slow - but then Software rendering is slow in OS 9 too. I really don't know if this has been addressed with 10.1. Anyone? I refuse to install 10.1 in it's current builds (Even though I'm a developer) since it's so unstable (Kernel Panics, unusable IE, etc.).
Bottom line. It's (iMac Rev. D) pretty robust and does a good job. I currently run two file/chat servers, an e-mail server, a web server, a Streaming MP3 server and a SNAP! server on my Rev. D iMac - 24/7 in addition to whatever Apps I need for WORK. Take that as you like. Your mileage may vary - obviously if you're going to try running Maya you'll run into problems...