Read it. Some good points, but the subject is soooooooooooo old by now. Even *if* the G5 is as fast as rumours of late last year on TheRegister and mosr suppose it is, it'll only be out almost a year later than those rumours (while Intel paces the P4 up the GHz ladder).
I personally think that it'd be great to give Windows a competitor, I also think that Apple should *not* release the beast to the general public of 'Wintel'.
BeOS was a great OS on Intel. But who bought it?
OS X on Intel might appeal to some Linux users. Well, Linux isn't the big part of the cake now, is it?
And it will appeal to Mac users. At least to me. I'd love to be able to buy self-made AMD boxes (starting at around 600$ here) instead of G4s (starting at around 2'000$ here in Switzerland).
Well, the article itself says it might be far off, and I think it is.
Read it. Some good points, but the subject is soooooooooooo old by now. Even *if* the G5 is as fast as rumours of late last year on TheRegister and mosr suppose it is, it'll only be out almost a year later than those rumours (while Intel paces the P4 up the GHz ladder).
I personally think that it'd be great to give Windows a competitor, I also think that Apple should *not* release the beast to the general public of 'Wintel'.
BeOS was a great OS on Intel. But who bought it?
OS X on Intel might appeal to some Linux users. Well, Linux isn't the big part of the cake now, is it?
And it will appeal to Mac users. At least to me. I'd love to be able to buy self-made AMD boxes (starting at around 600$ here) instead of G4s (starting at around 2'000$ here in Switzerland).
Well, the article itself says it might be far off, and I think it is.