OS X on Intel Box


Hi All,

I am new to the Mac world and this may sound stupid but, can I run Mac OS X on a Intel Box? If possible, what do I need to do for a Intel Box with following config?

256M Ram, 20G HDD, PII 500Mhz, SiS Video Card.
no question is a stupid question.
The short answer : no

the somewhat longer one: no because it doesnt support the x86 (pentium/pentium clone)architecture, this has been discussed to death and the concensus is that apple will not move to that chip actitecture any time soon :)

welcome! :)

I wouldn't necessarily say that the question is a stupid one... we can run windows on the mac with the help of virtual pc after all. actully if anyone wants to explain... if virtual pc can work, why isn't there a virtual mac?
Originally posted by thisbechuck
I wouldn't necessarily say that the question is a stupid one...

Have you heard of sarcasm?

And actually. For the record, the actual guts of X will run on a PC. BSD UNIX, which is the original base, is portable to anything from a pc, to a mac, to a frickin toaster-oven.

And Darwin, Apple's open source OS thingo, has been ported to x86.

we can run windows on the mac with the help of virtual pc after all. actully if anyone wants to explain... if virtual pc can work, why isn't there a virtual mac?

Because windows users are all either up themselves, and think Windows and all MS products rule the planet, or are smart, and use Linux, or some other *NIX.
we can run windows on the mac with the help of virtual pc after all. actully if anyone wants to explain... if virtual pc can work, why isn't there a virtual mac?

m$ and pc makers would never allow it. Once people see how the mac system really works then people would all want macs and the economic power structure would shift dramatically. ;)

or the other possible answer - put a piece of sh*t on a BMW and all it does is stink a little. Put a BMW on top of a piece of sh*t and that sh*t isn't going anywhere. :D
i see, the cruel truth of the world is beginning to be revealed to me... actully I misread admirals message as calling the question stupid. forgive me. I was asking that second question on behalf of my brother who i'm trying to get to convert to mac, but he refuses to because the command and conquer series is not out for it... sheesh. (any help would be appriciated)
also how many damned posts do I have to do to get rid of this stupid "junior member" title? anyone know how I can change this?
Originally posted by Rahul
Hi All,

I am new to the Mac world and this may sound stupid but, can I run Mac OS X on a Intel Box? If possible, what do I need to do for a Intel Box with following config?

256M Ram, 20G HDD, PII 500Mhz, SiS Video Card.

Although there are many i386 files in the system! What are they for???:confused:
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
no question is a stupid question.
The short answer : no

the somewhat longer one: no because it doesnt support the x86 (pentium/pentium clone)architecture, this has been discussed to death and the concensus is that apple will not move to that chip actitecture any time soon :)

welcome! :)


Oh! Sorry! I quoted the wrong thing!
But still... Why are there i386 files in my system folder!?!??:confused: :confused: :( :mad: :confused:
Mein Freund, alex :p
YOu dont remember your OS X history ?
it came from NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP which were on the x86 platform, and it was ported over to the mac :p
Originally posted by Rahul
Hi All,

I am new to the Mac world and this may sound stupid but, can I run Mac OS X on a Intel Box? If possible, what do I need to do for a Intel Box with following config?

256M Ram, 20G HDD, PII 500Mhz, SiS Video Card.

Hmmm... the answer is "YES" in a convoluted, roundabout way. I don't want to get your hopes up, but you CAN run the UNIX portion of OS X on an Intel machine -- it's called Darwin, and it's the UNIX underpinnings of OS X.

You can get the Darwin CD image from Apple's Developer Site, if you're signed up. You can get a free membership if you're a student, like I am, but otherwise you're going to have to pay, I believe.

The Darwin CD image is basically OS X without the graphical user interface. It would be command-line only, and I've got it running on a PC here at work. Not much in it, unless you like command lines. You can run an Apache web server or similar things, but only if you know how to execute everything from a command line.

So, your answer is yes, but it won't be OS X as you see it on a Mac.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Mein Freund, alex :p
YOu dont remember your OS X history ?
it came from NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP which were on the x86 platform, and it was ported over to the mac :p

SURE! :p I forgot!:(
But when I update my prebindings there is one line that says something like "Wrong CPU architecture type (no i386)":eek:
Apple should make this system Mac ONLY!:eek: :D
but it IS mac only :p
MAc OS X = darwin + QT + quartz + aqua + whatever :p

this combo exist only for the mac... peecees only have darwin lol ;-)