OS X scanner drivers


Has anyone seen any OS X-native drivers for Umax USB scanners? I can't even find a mention of OS X on Umax's website; it's like they've completely missed the fact that OS X even exists.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after I ordered my mom a USB scanner, and the software shipped with scanner wouldn't drive it. I had to tell my mom how to download and install an updated driver from Umax's website. A 19 Meg download over a dial-up connection - oh, the pain, the pain.
I called about my 6400 (FireWire) and they said that the drivers are on the works....

Frankly, I think that excuse is getting a little long in the tooth...

I'd use VueScan, but it does not seem to use the buttons on the scanner proper.
I contacted UMAX about drivers for their firewire range and they said:
UMAX tech support:

If you have more luck in getting a word out of them edgeways, do let me know..

Bernie :o)
I sent them an e-mail today about drivers for both Firewire and USB flatbeds. If I get any coherent reply out of them, I'll post it.
There was a thread on this a while back, and I posted a response I got from Umax -- search under my name or something to find that.

I have a Umax Astra 1220U, i.e. a USB scanner, and was told by Umax support in the US that they were working on Mac OS X drivers.

Umax support in the UK are crap, and don't respond.
The installed files are only a couple of megs. I think they put all localizations on a single massive download.
Originally posted by bighairydog

Aaaah, my Umax is back:

Bernie :o)

Hey, I have a UMAX 3450 USB scanner with no luck. I looked at your screen shot and it appears that you have an "Astra 6500" selected under the menu -- but my version of VueScan 7.2.8 doesn't even list ANY "Astra" scanners, it only has a generic "UMAX" listing. How is yours working?
    Firstly, I just downloaded, unstuffed, had the scanner plugged in, doubleclicked on VueScan X and it detected my scanner (it's firewire, not sure if that makes a difference) and fired up.

Bernie :o)
glad everyone Umax scanner seem to working ok.... my AGFA Snapscan Touch on the other hand causes a kerneel panic when i launch classic.... thank god USB is hot swappable i guess.


it works fine in OSX using the standalone "Scanwise" app... however, the photoshop plugin they provide and the "Classic" compatibility module they include with the downloadable drive just messes it up, though.
Hmm, I just noticed that Vuescan is claimed to support Umax SCSI scanners. I have a SCSI scanner that I've never even bothered to hook up to my G4 running OS X, but maybe I should give it a try...I'll post my results when I get them.

G4/500 AGP 1.25 Gig RAM 18 Gig Ultra2 HD, Os X 10.1.1.