Os X Server 10.4.2


What could cause my NAT Services to stop constantly. About every 15 min I have to restart NAT Services for my workstations to connect to the Internet.

Thank you
Jason L. Skoland
jskoland said:
What could cause my NAT Services to stop constantly. About every 15 min I have to restart NAT Services for my workstations to connect to the Internet.

Make sure the Firewall is Started. Even if you aren't using Firewall, it needs to be running for NAT to work properly.
The Firewall is running just fine. Nat Service will just stop. As soon as I start the Service again it will run anywhere from 5 - 15 min then just stop again.
You may have a preset cache that when it fills up, it has no more room for you to surf the net. I don't have the tools available to see if there is a menu to setup caches and that, but I bet that's probably the problem.