Well, I'm very amazed at how the system just simply stays running... With the exception of system preferences crashing twice causing me to re-install when I first got the CD... it's been really amazing.. now that things are running on a good install, I'm starting to get a level of comfort I've never felt with a Mac OS before, it's a great feeling... So now when IE causes the color wheel to appear and spin and spin, I don't panic any-more... just force quit, and relaunch.... And now when IE just decides to quit and disapear, I don't panic any-more as well..... And now When IE stops displaying the pages and has all those white blank areas in the middle of http://www.planetquake.com, I don't panic any-more... I just restart IE.... I can go on and on... but in the end thus far, It seems what I have been dreaming as an OS bliss is just around the corner.. sometime after this X-mas as in when santa-clause make a second trip around the world after Dec-25 2000, sometime perhaps around March of 2001... it will be the date know as the offictal "X-mas" time of the year......!!!
Now... what about that Net Surfing Bliss ??? IE sure bombs alot for me... but I guess the Shadow of OS X around the IE Window, makes it ok now... cause I know It didn't do any harm
Now... what about that Net Surfing Bliss ??? IE sure bombs alot for me... but I guess the Shadow of OS X around the IE Window, makes it ok now... cause I know It didn't do any harm