OS X telnet & cisco telnet


I can't telnet any devices over internet, sometimes i get "operation timed out" or nothing at all.

the webmaster says it is working for windows users and he ain't got a clue about OS X. and i've read somewhere someone suggesting, sshing to a linux box (from OS X), then telnet to cisco.

1, Does OS X telnet have any compatibility issues with cisco telnet ?.

2, what are my options ?.

i'm using X.2.8 and X.3.9. Thanks.
I'm wondering something similar. Telnet to Cisco routers from my intel MBP (kernel 8.8.2) out-of-box install connects just fine, but just hangs there doing nothing. Enabling all sorts of stuff within telnet shows me it sends the initial telnet option negotiation stuff, but seems to get nothing back from the Cisco. I can ssh to a FreeBSD box and telnet to the same Cisco just fine. Very odd that Mac's telnet seems incompatible somehow (and thus unusuable to me).
I telnet to Nortel gear on a daily basis from 10.4, it must be a handshake issue on the cisco