Osama, Saddam, WMD's and the 2004 election

I'm glad habilis is okay with shooting Germans in MOH:AA but not with shooting pigeons ;)

This quite off-topic (but still...): here's a link (in FRENCH I'm sorry guys) to a radio broadcast about anti-americanism. Very instructive. Click here (you need RealPlayer).
lol. well, yeah, I'm the first to admit I'm totally desensitized to violence. ;)
And besides that, Nazi's are evil, Pigeons are innocent. (at least that's how ya gotta look at it)
Anyway there's nothing like a good clean headshot from 300 Yards.
Ok, so no WMDs have been found although ~40% of Americans think they have been and 74% don't care if they are. gw's job approval rating is at 62% and falling, expected to reach 50% by mid summer (all stats courtesy of gallup.com) 140,000 troops are in Iraq and there is no timetable for their return to the US. They are still battling rogue elements of SH's regime. 50% of Iraqis are unemployed. Lawlessness in Iraq is widespread and clean water is scarce. The hardliners are already starting to gain power due to a lack of a post war plan for Iraq.

America has defined itself as an occupying power. Due to the poor condition of Iraq's infrastructure and the effects of SH's dictatorship it will be many years before Iraq is able to stand on its own without US assistance/governance. This will take many $s and probably quite a few more American lives to accomplish. Will the American public be willing to reward gw with a second term when they get the bill?

I don't think so!
ugg, I understand your frusterations with the Iraq thing but have a little patience. I hate to go here but look, any success for a conservative is a failure for you guys, so I understand why you have to spin and hype the situation but total upheavals of goverment coupled with revolution sometime take more then a month to mend.
There is a serious lack of hype or spin in my previous post. What I'm stating are facts, conservative projections and at the end, my 4 word opinion. If the bush doctrine is to succeed then the commitment will have to be long term and will involve tens of billions of dollars. Americans are traditionally loathe to reward a president that takes the US to war with a second term. They particularly loathe a president who fails to deliver economic prosperity. He has had 2.5 years and has overseen 2 million lost jobs and has engineered the largest budget deficit in American history although he came to office with the largest budget surplus ever seen. It has nothing to do with what I think of the guy but everything with his performance as president. How can that possibly be spin and hype?

BTW, what revolution are you referring to or did I miss something in the news today?
Wow, you are seriously pissed at GW. Revolution, well I would call what has happened in Iraq revolutionary.
Now that is what I call spin! War on Iraq is now revolutionary, hmmm according to dictionary.com

7. (Politics) A fundamental change in political organization, or in a government or constitution; the overthrow or renunciation of one government, and the substitution of another, by the governed.

The majority of Iraqis were not enamored of SH and are very happy indeed that he is gone, but they did not get rid of him by themselves or even ask the US to do so.
Ja trank ich etwas gutes deutsches Bier heute abend und also, Sie mein
Freund. I don't speak German but I think I get the gist.
the thread's dead so nobody will mind this little embellishment.

Aren't the Germans and French well known the world over for being the #1 consumers of alchohol per capita? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact I encourage it. And that also might explain the heavy liberal attitude from that part of the world. If you read my thread about the 2.5 beer buzz and how it turned me into Noam Chomsky you'll see what I mean.
Originally posted by habilis
the thread's dead so nobody will mind this little embellishment.

Aren't the Germans and French well known the world over for being the #1 consumers of alchohol per capita? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact I encourage it. And that also might explain the heavy liberal attitude from that part of the world. If you read my thread about the 2.5 beer buzz and how it turned me into Noam Chomsky you'll see what I mean.

I think the Russians hold that record, oops, I was wrong, here is a 1996 assessment of world wide consumption. Sort of surprising really...


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Mmh... If no WMDs are found (and it pretty much seems like it, unless the US, which now have control of the country, _bring_ some), what trial is going to judge the US administration? How was that handled after the second world war, exactly?

Will it be enough to just remove G.W. Bush from the president's seat, or will we have to have measures that further control the US for the next, say, ten or twenty years?
Amazing how government officials in this country, people we elect to take care of the business we can't necessarily cover, don't necessarily take our opinions into account or ignore what we the people want and need.
I really don't think (and I certainly hope, and will do my part to ensure) Bush won't be reelected in 2004. He threw our economy from the greatest surplus ever to the greatest deficit ever, and he totally bungled the war on Iraq, which we might as well call Iraqgate. He puts money into building up our national defense (I ask: against whom?) instead of needy causes at home like education and social welfare.

I certainly hope we get a good Democrat for our 2004 nominee, because then we might have a chance of knocking Bush off his pedestal.

I would really like to grill Bush and ask him why he does all this stuff. I'd interrogate him as to why he forces budget cuts while giving back to the rich, asking if he thinks the rich already have enough, trickle-down economics doesn't work anyway, etc.
So, let me see, you propose that we give tax money back to people that didn't pay any in? I paid in a small ammount this year, so I get small ammount back. But you want to take this away from me and my family and give it my white trash neighboor who works 15 hours a week, then drinks it all away the rest of the week? Think he'll put my tax money to better use? My other neighbor paid in a larger ammount, so he gets a larger ammount back. I'm not gonna go bash his door in and demand we split the frickin balance. There's another guy I know who started a business 20 years ago selling hardware, and he makes about 10 times what I make because he was smart enough to figure out a way to make a better circular saw blade for cutting sheet metal, anyway he pays in 10 times what I do, so he gets back 10 times what I do. Does this make sense yet? Do you know the top 50% of wage earners pay 96.05% of ALL U.S. taxes while the bottom 50% pay next to none. Do you know the democrat mantra of "no-tax-cuts-for-the-rich" has been used by the democrats for the last 50 years, and is the proletariat any better off today? That's one of the most tired out, dried up, washed out propaganda myths to ever come out of the democrat spin machine. Can't you guys come up with anything new? How bout a plan that actually helps people instead of creating welfare robots programmed to vote democrat or lose the handouts. You call yourselves progressives? That's not progress.