OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

there's a reason normal cats have inhibitor genes.

Yes. Because lions live in Prides, and the female mates with each male, all of whose genes are coded to make a bigger stronger lion (survival of the fittest). hence, the female inhibits their growth (to enable more young to be born, by counter-acting the male genes)

Tigers live solitary lives, and a female only mates with one male. hence, no inhibiting.

and i find it hard to believe a 400+ kilo, 3.6 meter beast like that, can't find 10 or 15 kilos of meat in a day.

anywho. i'm voting for Mac OS X tit-mouse.
OS X Tomcat, I like Topcat too though :). Anything sounds better than Longhorn, sounds like some kinda pornstars sirname, Rick Longhorn.
fryke said:
10.5 will come out when Longhorn comes out, gerbick. Unless you were being sarcastic and meant that Longhorn will never come out. Or at least some more years later than (now) expected.

definitely being sarcastic ;)

but Longhorn with Avalon, WinFS, and the rest of the technologies won't be around for a while. WinFS is looking like it'll be delivered almost a full year after initial release.
mw84 said:
OS X Tomcat, I like Topcat too though :). Anything sounds better than Longhorn, sounds like some kinda pornstars sirname, Rick Longhorn.

I agree. Whats up with Longhorn, honestly? I think the geeks in the NumberCrunching division of Microsoft (who also head the design department) had one too many Hot-Pockets.

Rick Longhorn lmao.... :p
Qion said:
I agree. Whats up with Longhorn, honestly? I think the geeks in the NumberCrunching division of Microsoft (who also head the design department) had one too many Hot-Pockets.

No worse than their other newly announced OS...Eiger. Supposed to be a stripped down version of XP for old hardware (Win95, Win98 era machines) popular in businesses, government, and schools.
I'm strongly for removing those codenames from the final products. What's _really_ wrong with calling it "Mac OS X 10.5" or, even better: "Mac OS 10.5"?

Those cats' names have nothing to do with what's inside the box. I sure prefer cats to dogs or other animals (Longhorn? Really?! Anyone prefers that?), but what does that have to do with my choice of operating systems?

There sure is a pattern, and it's certainly marketing that is the reason for giving the OS versions cats' names. But there are days when I think that Apple, instead of creating the next big hit like the iPod or the Macintosh is just thinking about how to come up with a Tiger fur desktop picture, another way to lure people into adopting .Mac and probably a whole division of Apple is finding ways to fill the list of 150 or 200 new features in the next big cat, possibly without really having to code a line.

So here's my plea. Call it Mac OS 10.5, please. And put the money in making it a good operating system instead.
fryke said:
I'm strongly for removing those codenames from the final products. What's _really_ wrong with calling it "Mac OS X 10.5" or, even better: "Mac OS 10.5"?
Hear, hear!

I think the main reason Apple "officialized" their cat codenames was because of the ridiculous (not to mention nonsensical) title "Mac OS X 10.1" (nonsensical because if it's a version of Mac OS X, then it should be version 1.1, and if it's a version of Mac OS, the "X" is completely out of place). Personally I always hated Apple's choice of using the roman numeral 10. It makes everyone call it "Mac OS Ex", and necessitates obnoxious versioning systems. I think some geeks at Apple thought it'd be a neat pun, since it's Unix based and came from NeXT.

I definitely prefer "Mac OS X Tiger" to "Mac OS X version 10.4", but both kind of make me want to smack someone at Apple.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Squaresoft's sequel to Final Fantasy X called....Final Fantasy X-2 (pronounced "Final Fantasy Ten two"). But that's another matter entirely. ;)