OSX Deathly slow


I've successfully installed OSX onto a slave ATA drive. Everything works, but the system is brutally slow. Wondering if anyone else running OSX on a slave drive is having the same problem?
Hi there

I've got a G3 and it runs pretty well - since it's beta, it's naturally slower than 9.... hopefully it will get better... what really irks me is how god awful Classic is.... it cripples the system when it's running...
On my machine, OS X runs quite well. Classic is not all that speedy itself but doesn't seem to slow OS X down too much. What is your load average when classic is running?
I think I was wrong.... I reinstalled OS X this morning on a completely clean partition after doing a clean install of OS 9 and now it seems to work much better... one thing, have you used Entourage at all from Office 2001? IF so, do you know how to get it to work under X? I can't get it to recognize my mail folders from 9.0
I have never used that software. I have had some trouble myself getting internet type apps working from Classic on OS X. They don't seem to be able to see that I am connected to the network. Oh well.
At my machine it's also not very fast. Not as fast as Mac OS 9.0.4.

I have it installed on an IMac G3 333, 160 MB RAM, 6 GB disk....OS X is on a 2 GB second partition.

But...Mac OS X Public beta is very much faster than Mac OS X DP 4. OS X Developers Preview 4 was a disaster to run on my machine, but the public beta works pretty good.

But Apple still has to spend very much time in making Mac OS X much faster and less memory consuming.
Installed OS X on 4 GB partition on my iMac DV (G3 400) with 128 MB. Everything works nice and fast - OS X apps and Classic apps (have Classic booting at startup). Only complaint I have is the Mail program included with OS X stinks. Dragged Outlook Express (runs in Classic) into the dock instead for easy access.

Oh yeah - PC formatted Zip disks won't mount in OS X, but Mac formatted do just fine....
Hi !

I have read elsewere (on 2 other forums) that to have a speedier OS X, one should install a fresh version of OS 9 on one partition and OS X on another partition. These readers had experienced first with the "OS X over OS 9" type of install with abysmal speed results, and re-installing on two partition "quickly" corrected the speed issues.

As for myself, I cannot say, having not received my MacOS X CD Yet.

Hope this helps.