OSX drivers for Canon Fiery RIPs/ Canon CLC700 colour copier?


Is anyone aware of a driver or drivers to enable printing to a Fiery RIP box? We use a Fiery 5000 RIP box in our studio to print to our Canon CLC700 colour laser copier, and the lack of a suitable driver is the only thing preventing us moving the studio to OSX. I'm really looking for something that retains my access to as many of the features as possible.
Have you contacted Fiery or Cannon yet? Maybe the sales or tech rep for the company you bought/lease it off (server or the copier). Somebody dhould be able to find out.

From what I know they (Fiery) don't support it yet (X), and sounds like it could be a while before they do.
reason #98120312 why print studios aren't switching to X. Don't hold your breath for any time soon.
I received a reply from EFI, the makers of the Fiery products this morning.
Apparently the EFI tools themselves run fine under classic, and Carbonated versions are in development.

I am of the understanding that the OS9 Fiery PPD may be able to be used in print centre in OSX, though I have yet to try it. I know of at least on Design firm in the UK that is using the standard Canon PPD from OS9 in this manner.

As for "no print studios switching to OSX", I guess that must be just in your part of the world, because down here in New Zealand, I know of at LEAST 2-3 studios that we deal with which are integrating OSX machines into their workflow's; and while there have been some teething issues as one would expect, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive as a result.

I look forward of dragging my studio off it's addiction to the user friendly, but weak & comparatively unstable traditional OS9.x system onto an OS that can really let me do some work.