OSX Freeze with audible iTunes loop


my setup:
10.2.8 - 1.3ghz Gigadesigns upgraded Gigabit G4, Geforce 4 Ti, Gig of ram, two harddrives via ATA controller

Before I start - one word of note - I have a Gigadesigns 1.25 G4 upgrade running at 1.3 Ghz. I was using a cache program to change the clock of the
L3 cache from 5:1 to 6:1 since I was haveing wake from sleep issues (certain games would crash after wake from sleep). Then just last week I decided to try and change the voltage of the CPU upgrade, since it can be done easily - my CPU was set to 1.55 volts, so I bumped it to 1.60 volts. Well since doing this I am not having any more problems playing games after wakeing from sleep, and no issues so far and seems to work great -- but I have had my machine lock up twice in the last week while I had several apps open as well as iTunes, but it was always while iTunes was playing a song, so when my machine locked up I would hear a half second loop over and over from whatever song was playing - the machine was frozen in this state - but no kernal panic warning came up. Also iChat AV was on and Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Suitcase 11, Safari etc. I have had problems with iTunes lately like when i would get info on a song in iTunes while its playing and then close that window iTunes would just crash. Basically I'm trying to figure out if the two system crashes I had are related to the voltage tweek, or to iTunes or something else - or maybe even 10.2.8--- I hope I have given enough details -- thanks for any help ---
Go back to your original processor voltage settings, see if you still have the original issues. You may have to compromise here, your full setup may not play nicely with every possible tweak you have available. If you have problems, return to your former settings and try again. There may be other settings change (tweak) that you can try that minimizes your problems. The results from voltage change may also just be a conincidence, and just exacerbates already existing minor problems. Tread carefully when doing hardware tweaks, so you can retrace your steps.
thanks for the reply - yea I want to say the issues I am having are a coincidence - I will keep my new voltage setting and see what else happens - I would think if I have problems in one program, then there should be problems elsewhere, but like I was saying, I am now able to game for a long time playing UT2003 etc with no issues even after sleep, I would think UT2003 would crash if there was a problem, since with my previous voltage setting UT2003 would crash after sleep, but with this new voltage setting none of my games crash after sleep -- unfortunately I have had photoshop and Safari both quit on me just in the past hour or so, but again, could be unrelated since I have had them crash before (we all know safari can crash right) - anyway I'll keep updating the thread if something new happends --
Not everyone knows about Safari crashing, I have not ever had Safari crash since early betas, except for Flash sites not always playing well, and no access to some types of sites, but no crashing (let me find a piece of wood to knock on)
This falls under the old saying,"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Good Luck!
ok so since last post I had a kernal panic - I still don't know if it really it related to the voltage tweak, but It must be - I spoke with Tim who works for Gigadesigns, and we talked about the voltage settings, he said I might try to put the voltage a little higher to see what that does, if not then back down to where it was before. Tim did say that Panther seems to solve all the sleep from wake issues people seem to have with upgrade cards -- I can't wait to get Panther -
Well Gues what? I found out what was causeing my crashes - it was an iTunes plugin called Fountain Music that several other users noted of having system crashes and iTunes problems - this is exactly what my system had -- so I deleted it and will keep the higher voltage setting to see what happends for a while - so far so good -- here is the link to that plugin which has been updated because of the crashing issue --


I don't know if I even want the updated version of this plugin since it cause so much trouble --