Oh no!
I've got an issue getting online in osX. It's very odd, but I'll give an overview of it:
In osX, I've got no outgoing Internet connection. I'll open OmniWeb, for instance, goto a link, & it gives me nothing. On the other hand, if I open Classic, I've got no issues & I'm online (not in osX, only in 9.1). In other words, overall I've indeed got an Internet connection; only, osX isn't getting it.
I'm on a cable modem, & I've got the iMac/osX 10.0.1 & a G3/9.1 on it. If I go on the G3 it's online, too. It lets me on (via File Sharing...I've got it's hd icon on this G3 now & it opens) to the iMac on osX from the G3; & I've telnetted/ftp'd into it, etc. No issues getting onto the iMac via the Internet from outside of itself.
In other words, the iMac itself is obviously online. It gives me the option of logging into it from the G3 (& from outside of the LAN itself). It gets that it's online, for the most part...only it's got no outgoing Internet connection (i.e., if I'm on it in osX, no getting to outside IP's in ftp, telnet, OmniWeb or IE, etc.). Once again, I've not got this issue in Classic. Is there any info on this issue online; or if I'm the only one that's got it, any ideas?
In osX, I've got no outgoing Internet connection. I'll open OmniWeb, for instance, goto a link, & it gives me nothing. On the other hand, if I open Classic, I've got no issues & I'm online (not in osX, only in 9.1). In other words, overall I've indeed got an Internet connection; only, osX isn't getting it.
I'm on a cable modem, & I've got the iMac/osX 10.0.1 & a G3/9.1 on it. If I go on the G3 it's online, too. It lets me on (via File Sharing...I've got it's hd icon on this G3 now & it opens) to the iMac on osX from the G3; & I've telnetted/ftp'd into it, etc. No issues getting onto the iMac via the Internet from outside of itself.
In other words, the iMac itself is obviously online. It gives me the option of logging into it from the G3 (& from outside of the LAN itself). It gets that it's online, for the most part...only it's got no outgoing Internet connection (i.e., if I'm on it in osX, no getting to outside IP's in ftp, telnet, OmniWeb or IE, etc.). Once again, I've not got this issue in Classic. Is there any info on this issue online; or if I'm the only one that's got it, any ideas?