OSX Lawsuit Settlement


Has anyone received their checks for the settlement of the OSX/G3 lawsuit?

I filled out my paperwork and sent in the disks a long time ago and have not heard a word since.

The lawyers get first dibs on the cash... They probably used the rest on 19 cent postage so no one received anything since it costs 23 cents to mail anything.
zaxcom said:
Has anyone received their checks for the settlement of the OSX/G3 lawsuit?

Checks? What checks?

Coupon... as I recall you should be getting a coupon if they decide you qualified.
If you sent them back the original disks, you get your purchase price refunded. You only get the coupon if you opt to keep the disks.
zaxcom said:
Has anyone received their checks for the settlement of the OSX/G3 lawsuit?

I filled out my paperwork and sent in the disks a long time ago and have not heard a word since.

What this OSX/G3 lawsuit you're on about then?
Is there a list to see exactly what is covered? I'm wondering because I bought an iBook that may fit in the time frame mentioned. And is it too late if you qualify?
Yeah, I read the article but it just says older versions of iBooks and it doesn't give any information on how many expected people this entails, exactly what machines are covered, if people are still eligible, how to sign up if people remain eligible, etc. Poor reporting. But thanks for the heads-up.
Well, the link to the actual settlement on the lawyer's site is completely gone now, so I would assume that it's over. I can't find any information anywhere about the actual lawsuit itself or who/what was covered and the range of dates that are covered.

Perhaps something to do with an NDA or a post-trial gag order or something sinister like that.