I was reading an article in a new Mac magazine and have read several times that Macs are fairly hard to hack and you can't get viruses. I am a switcher since this summer and love my iBook to death! I however don't know much about the security structure of them (Macs in general). I know Windows comes with all of its ports open and there are all sorts of viruses and security holes to say the least. Mac OS9 was not hackable is this correct? How is this so? Were the ports built in such a way that they could not be compromised? Having said this OSX is different from OS9. I have read that OSX only opens ports it needs. The ports that are open aren't sercurity problems? There is now virus protection for OSX too. Am I correct to say that possible viruses would be from e-mail attatchments, similar to PC viruses? I hope this makes sense I just don't know enough to explain it any better. Just things I am curious about...