OSX preinstalled starting TODAY


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At WWDC Steve just announced that OSX is shipping with all Macs starting today in a dual-boot configuration with OS9.
My Admin Guide (beta version) list the following services for Windows clients:

*File services
*Print services
*Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)

It doen't directly talk about being able to browser windows client systems, though they can browser directories on Server. As for what you need:

"To support your Windows clients, you only need your Mac OS X Server software. Unlike previous Apple server products, Mac OS X Server comes with built-in browsing and name resolution services for your Windows client computers. You can enable Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) on your server, or you can register with an existing WINS server."

Without having Mac OS X Server connected to Windows clients, I can't tell much else about it's abilities in this area.
A dual boot setup on a computer that's designed to be the easiest to use for consumers? Eek! I hope they thought this one out. So are the new Macs going to start up in one particular OS by default, and require the user to select the other in the System Disk control panel? Or will it present a choice of one or the other when it's first booted? I've got a funny feeling that this will greatly increase Apple's load of tech support calls...
It defaults to OS 9. OS X is installed and ready for use. The user has to manually tell it to start in X. This means that anyone can try it but they have to know something about the Mac to use X.
Originally posted by ITz The MaN
I read that X server has samba...... does that mean that apple made a port that allows X users to mount windoz shares?

Not sure exactly what Apple did, but I'm running Samba on X 10.0.3. It doesn't allow you to browse/mount windows volumes but does allow windows users to browse my shares through the network neighborhood. Check out http://xamba.sourceforge.net/index.shtml for more info.
