OSX Rumors ... I hope this is real ... PLEASE

personally i think voice recognition sucks. even if its perfectly designed to work without any problems, its is slower!!!
for ppl like us who use their macs everyday, key combinations are much faster :)

i think the guy who wrote the article doesnt know what he's talkin about.
why would we wanna have apps in SYSTEM PREFERENCES instead of the applications folder ?
they're perfect where they are ! theyre in the applications folder and on the dock, fastest way to access them, and they work really well with each other :)

cummon any better suggestions for 10.4 ?
The other problem with embedded applications is the instability it invites.

We've seen how Microsoft have implemented this and how it has made Windows the dog that it is.

Some of the more technically literate among us will no doubt flesh out this point, but having applications embedded must surely involve kernel extensions and other low-level stuff that just makes for more things to go wrong.

Personally, I like to be able to see what's acting up. The idea of some hidden driver going belly up doesn't instill much faith in me.

The last thing I want to see from Apple is the mac-equivalent of DLL hell...
It depends how low level they have it running. I don't think they could be so stupid as to have it running at the kernel level. The article seems to hint that they would load all the programs when the machine boots to make it faster to load the programs.

They can keep the iCal, Addressbook, Mail, etc integration without doing that.
Another thought is, if Apple do for an SQL-based file system [I've been hoping for this for quite some time] then the level to which applications integrate would be a moot point.

Imagine that all of the iApps store their data into a SQL-based database, then rather than the applications looking to each other, they just look to the data...
isnt quicktime sort of embedded in the OS ?
we can preview a movie or audio file in the finder, or even in the Get info dialog box!
and it works perfectly :)
Yep, it is, but that is somewhat different. Afterall, you aren't really going to want to read your email from the Finder.
Embedded Apps: I'm indifferent. If it makes my life easier, then bring it on. If not, I don't care. If apps that I never use like iChat are suddenly in my way all the time, then I don't want it.If having all these apps "always on" uses too many resources, then I dont' want it. Having said that, all my future Macs as of September 04 will be monsters, so I really doubt a few iApps is going to cause much of a drain. I use Mail, iSync, Safari, Sherlock, Address Book, iCal, etc. so if there's a way that will make those apps more integrated/efficient/connected, BRING IT ON!

Voice Recog: If it works like they say, BRING IT ON. Twice a year for the last few years I install voice recog software or dabble with Aple's built-in recog. It's almost there, but not quite. It's not so much the actual recog as it is the integration. Apple's built-in is not very accurate for me. ViaVoice is fairly accuurate for me, but poorly integrated and slow-ish and has a terrible editor. For general transcription, VV works pretty well for me. But what I found (for me) is that the majority of times voice recog is such a different mental process that it makes it awkward. Voice recog-ing emails for instance is very awkward for those of us who tend to type stream-of-consciousness style. Speaking that way is completely unnatural. You speak three words, then pause and think about it, then move on, it just doesn't quite work for me. And then command and control is so poorly integrated into apps. I have a whole slew of Photoshop keyboard commands that I set up for macros, but you can only go so far before it becomes unwieldy in terms of having to use too many keys or fighting with PS's own commands. Voice command would be perfect for "Print this now to the laser printer" or "Flattent this and convert to CMYK". I find it very hard to use VV for such things currently as PS 7 fights it. I plan on trying CS (like I said, twice a year I waste a weekend doing voice recog, I'm due for another round...).

The level of voice recog in that report is amazing. If that's true, I will be all over it. And for those against it, I'm shocked. Truly shocked. I would never want 100% voice recog, but it's great to have a mouse/keyboard/voice input set when implemented properly. I think the report sounds highly ambitious, but I would very much welcome the "next level" of voice recog/command in the OS.
I remember when Sherlock was more or less integrated in Finder as this was the only search engine. This was not good.
I see how Google is integrate in Safari and Search integrated in Finder. This is good.
Basically, all brushed metal apps may become part of the Finder (not of the system of course: nobody sees the system). All technologies of these iapps maybe embedded in the system, so that they are available to all applications. Why not ?

Voice navigation... ok as long as you are alone and you don't listen to music !
chevy said:
... Voice navigation... ok as long as you are alone and you don't listen to music!

That's the crux of the problem.

The computer would have to know what signal it was reproducing to be able to discriminate your voice from the sound.

Plus, it has to further filter out ancillary noises and background sounds _and_ figure out just what the hell you're talking about .. in realtime!

Quad G6 anyone?..
I don't like the idea of Embedded Applications, and I'm not all that keen on voice control.

I played about a bit with the voice control in Panther, but after a while I got bored of having to repeat myself and put on an American accent so it would recognise me.