OSX server 10.1.3 and GNAT



I Just installed Mac os x server 10.1.3 into my G3/450. I can't make my web page on.
My computer is G3/450 512 MB RAM .
Internal Ethernet
Secoend ethernet card.
GNAT software router

I can make every other computer share the internet with internal IP like no problem. How ever I could not make my web page on. I started DNS ....It seems to be some kind of DNS error. Can anyone help me to set up DNS correctly. By the way if I use IP like 211.20.xxx.xxx. I can see the web page with no problem. any idea??

I'd ditch GNAT personally - osx has a fine built-in router, and hardware routers are going pretty cheap now.

I have a few questions - when you say you can't make your web page 'on' what do you mean?

Are you having trouble *starting* apache (and is that what you are using) or having trouble accessing the webpage from other computers? What error do you get?

More dada please ;)
I concur, you don't really need GNAT. Actually, GNAT is gone, it is now owned by Sustainable Softworks and known as IPNetShareX.

As for your web server, have you checked the configuration of the "Web Service" in the server admin? I found that after I upadated OS X Server, that I needed to reconfigure the services. Make sure your external IP address is used in the "Sites" section of the web services. I'm not sure what you mean by "I started DNS ....It seems to be some kind of DNS error". You don't really need your own DNS server, unless of course you don't have a static IP, but in that case your ISP most likely prohibits you from running a DNS server (and will possibly immediately terminate your account if they find out). If this is your situation, there are a number of free DNS services avaliable online that would solve the problem. There are also several other options depending on what type of domain name you're using. Do you have your own (eg. www.yourname.com) or something like yourname.no-ip.com?