osx upgrades- when do I have to pay


you must have just stepped out of the m$ jungle. :D

the answer is: it depends. We can go 2-3 yrs at times with free updates. In fact, with a few exceptions "updates" are always free. Major changes in the os that clearly distinguish it from the previous os are when we get asked to ante up again. I think it is still unclear as to whether we will have to dish out a little extra for 10.2, but that is potentially the only time we will do so for a long while if apple continues the same practices it always has.

really, they don't try to nickel and dime us for doing their job the way it is supposed to be done.
Hi Ed. I appreciate your position as a moderator, but it makes no sense to spread hope in a case where the facts are clear, basically.

Jaguar is the codename of 'the next major update to Mac OS X' (Apple-Speak, look at their website).

For the Classic version of Mac OS, it's always been clear that big versions appear every half year (ever since 8.0). I think they were priced at 99$. Hence Mac OS 8.5 and 9.0 were priced 99$. Mac OS X 10.0 upped the price to 129$, for which you not only got 10.0, but also a bundled copy of Mac OS 9.1 (full).

The first major new version of Mac OS X after 10.0 was 10.1, which was a free upgrade, because Apple felt they owed this to their customers, who couldn't really start using 10.0 as their main operating system until the 10.1 upgrade.

Mac OS X 10.2 (or 10.5 if rumours are to be believed), codenamed Jaguar, will be such an upgrade. It'll either be 99$ (if it comes without Mac OS 9.x, which we don't really need any longer by then) or 129$ (if it still ships a classic version of Mac OS).

If at all Jaguar should see a lower price, it won't be free (only paying shipment) like 10.1, as Apple also has to assure customers that not 10.2 is the 'first usable version', but 10.1 already was.

Jaguar = Full Upgrade
Full Upgrade = Full Price
you must have just stepped out of the m$ jungle.

no ed.

thanks fryke. I thoght so but thanks for clearing things up for me..
... ohwell just have to put some money aside for jaguar then... I know this is how things work .. there is no free lunch even in the mac world..

but it do suck
i dont see Jaguar costing more than $60 or so for pre-existing MacOSX users... $99 sounds a bit steep.
reasoning? i mean, i have written down my reasons why it should very well cost as much. what's the reasoning behind '60$ max'? wishful thinking or something?
fryke, you are a bit testy this morning aren't you?

i seem to remember apple selling updates at a slightly lower cost than the full version in the past... thus it stand to reason that pre-existing MacOSX users could get the upgrade at lower than retail price for the full version.
Let's not for get that it was apple that charged nearly 100 clams to upgrade from OS 7.5 to 7.6. I too hope that Jag will be a free update rather than a paid upgrade but whatever happens I'll still get it nomater if it is free or $200. I think most people here would too.:D
Personally I wouldn't make assumptions about it being full price just because it's a so called "Full Upgrade". You guys need to be a little more optimistic, a friend of mine who works inside Apple said it will be a 19.95 upgrade, whether that's just for shipping or for the actual upgrade I don't know. But we shall find out soon enough whether Apple is going to make us pull out our wallets or leave them at home... :D
$60? I was thinking more along the lines of $20 like the 10.1 update. Why would this be any different?

Sure, it's a big upgrade. But it's not like we're paying for a new OS. I dunno, I'll just shaddup and wait until it comes out. I don't know what I'm talking about, anyhow. :rolleyes:
Wasn't OS 8 to OS 8.5 something like $60? This seems like it is going to be a feature introduction upgrade like that was... hence the $60
Not that I expect anyone to care about my opinion, but I think it would stink that I spent 2000 dollars on a new Mac, only to have to dish out another hundred just to get the update. [which admittedly I would be willing to pay for, in hopes that the GUI speed is improved]

I hope there is some kind of upgrade coupon in my mac box. I am a penny pincher.

One thing I do notice however, is that Mac OS prices, even when you do pay, seem to be a lot lower than MS.

Btw, this is my first time logging in here. Hi all.
