(OSX10.3.3) [2 problems] folders wont unlock / wierd CD Icons, what gives?

Okay I have have two problems with my mac as of late and I cannot figure out how to fix either one. Im currently running OSX10.3.3 on my Imac G4 laptop.

First Problem.

I inserted a disk with folders that contained music files into my laptop. The disk was burnt on my other computer a G3 Imac running OSX10.1 . I dragged the folder to my desktop on my laptop and they they downloaded and everything fine. When I noticed that the icon for the 2 folders downloaded this way had the lock logo in the bottom left hand side of the folder icon. I went to the folders Info to try and unlock it and change the privileges but the "unlock" box was ghosted and i couldnt click it. How can i either (a) 86 these folders from my laptop or (b) unlock them?

Second Problem.

Whenever I insert a disk "not burnt" such as a computer game or music CD the icon does not show up as the proper icon for that disc but instead as a jpeg file I have on my computer. The same picture file is coming up as the inserted CD icon for every cd that i insert in. This just started happening out of no where. I attempted to find the picture thats causing the problems and apparently I deleted it a while ago from the folde rin which I originally kept it. How do I fix this. This is also on my Imac G4 laptop running OSX10.3..3