Other than Apple harddrives?



I just bought a Mac Pro (2.66 ghz 1BG ram 250 GB) and i am very happy with it, but then I checked out the prices for new harddiscs - preeeety expensive I must say!

So my question is: Can I use other harddiscs, than the ones apple make? what is compatible?

Thank you, Adam
You can use any compatible (spec-wise) harddrives. You'll only need the sliding-cases, which already are in your Mac Pro, IIRC.
You can watch the video here to see how easy the process is. You can buy the hard disk from any box store (SATA2 will be the fastest but SATA will be compatible ) but you will have to reformat as soon as you install it because most manufactures pre-format most of their drives NTFS (Windows format). Apple standardized the inside parts on PowerMacs and Mac Pros a while ago. So a hard drive is a standard hard drive on Mac Pros.
You can watch the video here to see how easy the process is. You can buy the hard disk from any box store (SATA2 will be the fastest but SATA will be compatible ) but you will have to reformat as soon as you install it because most manufactures pre-format most of their drives NTFS (Windows format). Apple standardized the inside parts on PowerMacs and Mac Pros a while ago. So a hard drive is a standard hard drive on Mac Pros.

Thank you for the answers both!

Are you saying that I have to reinstall EVERY thing on my Mac? or?
No, you just have to format the new drive(s), because they come formatted in NTFS, which OS X natively can only read from but not write to. Disk Utility is good for that.