Other UNIX distro apps on MAC OS X?


Hi everyone ... just joined the forum ... great one indeed.... well i am planning to chuck my faithful PC aside next week to get a Mac .. for mobility reasons ...

just wanted to find out if i can run GIMP, the LINUX graphics manipulation program on MAC OS X since they both are UNIX systems ... maybe i just need to install the relevant libraries ???? but GTK on MAC??? u get what i mean ...

anyway cheers to the MAC community and hope to be joining u all soon !!! =c)
Yes, you can run the GIMP on OS X. You will need to install an XWindows system, which can be done in a couple of ways. XDarwin gives you an easy-to-install binary. Fink, on the other hand, can give you immediate access to a multitude of *nix ports.
Fink and other handy programs can be found at Apple's downloads site.
thanx a lot .... learned a lot of kewl stuff about mac ... ready to shift now ... just waiting for the funds ... hahahah

neway cheers all and enjoy~! =c)
Yeah. Welcome to the thriving Mac community!

When using Fink, you will have the option to dwl readily available binaries or let it compile the stuff if you have the developer tools installed (recommended if you like to work on UNIX stuff). :D

OTOH, as rightfully stated, you can also compile most stuff on itself (wget, configure, make, make install) if you prefer.
