Outlook Express data locations?


I am trying to figure out exactly where the address book and mailing list locations are on Mac OS 9 within Outlook Express. I am working with someone remotely, trying to assit them in getting me their email address book and the corresponding mailing lists so I can send out a bulk email for them (however there are different emails that need to go out to the different lists).

They are on 9 and I am on X. It's been so long since I've worked in 9, that's it's difficult to walk them through finding everything.

They sent me the mailing list file, and I put it into one of my Entourage profiles, however it doesn't see any of the addresses. Copying the complete "Main Identity" folder is also not an option since it's 127 megs (I guess they don't clean out their mail much).

Any ideas on how to solve this problem? Much appreciated.