Outlook Express PC to Apple Mail

So Outlook on Windows to Mail on Mac OS X ...

There are fortunately several ways to do it. Would be nice if there was one click only, and in mail.app itself. but Microsoft doesn't seem too willing to have open standards or help Outlook users to migrate to other email programs or platforms.
But you can do e.g. :

- Use Mozilla Thunderbird on PC to convert the outlook data to .mbox files. Those files are happily recognized by mail.app. Probably the easiest and cleanest way.

- If you have .mac, create an IMAP account on your Outlook for your .mac, and synchronize all your data there, then just set up .mac normally... of course if you don't have 10 GB of emails.

http://www.comeacross.info/2006/05/26/moving-email-from-a-pc-to-the-mac/ (has a good how to)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/ol2mbox/ (freeish)
http://www.littlemachines.com/ (not free)
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2002100306134721 other ways