Outlook server


[Sorry for my orrible English]
In my office I'm the only one mac user. For e-mail we use an Outlook server Exchange. Now I'm using Entourage, but I'd like to use Mail: Is it possible?
It seems so; when creating a new account I can choose hte kind account and among others there is also Exchange. But there are to much things to complete; web master (who doesn't know what Mac is) told me only Server Exchange, ID account, Domain, while Mail ask me also incoming mail server and exit mail server. I tried to use always the same address, but it doesn't work.
How can I do?
If you can use Entourage, then you should be able to use Mail. However, if it's still an old Exchange 5.5 server, then you're out of luck. You'll have to download the Outlook for Macintosh client (which is still an OS 9 app) and run it under Classic.
I don't know which version of Exchange is. As soon as possible I'll ask to network master.
I prefer to use Entourage in X, before Outlook in Classic.
Entourage ask me these things:
[translated from Italian, maybe real English version is quite different]
- account name (anything);
- name (my full name);
- e-mail address (nickname@domain.com)
- ID account (my nickname)
- domain (domain.com)
- password (my password)
- server excange (http://mail.domain.com).
And it works.
Mail ask me these things:
- kind account (Exchange);
- description (anything);
- e-mail address (nickname@domain.com);
- complete name (my full name);
- incoming mail server (??? usually it is pop.domain.com);
- user name (my nick name);
- password (my password);
- outgoing mail server (SMTP) (??? usually it is smto.domain.com);
- server outlook web access (http://mail.domain.com).
??? means I don't know what I should write here.
I understand the desire to use Entourage over Classic Outlook, but if it's an Exchange 5.5 server then you don't have much of a choice. Entourage won't work with anything less than Exchange 2000 I believe.
Maybe I can't explain situation in correct English.
So I think that Server is Exchange 2000.
Mail should work fine with Exchange though you do have to set it up using the IMAP protocol and if that is not enabled your exchange server it won't work. Contact your system admin to try and find out.
Tommo said:
Mail should work fine with Exchange though you do have to set it up using the IMAP protocol and if that is not enabled your exchange server it won't work. Contact your system admin to try and find out.
Thanks, I'll try to do so.
Entourage, looks interesting.

How are you going to use mail, opera or any other standard MUA(mail user agent) to send and receive from Exchange?

Looks like Entourage has built in support for Exchange server.

If you have another mail server(bsd, linux) it can be accomplished.

You would setup a custom recipent in Exchange. That custom recipent address would deliver it to the other mail server. You pop or imap from that server.

When other Exchange users send to you it gets delivered to the other server.