Overclocking g4 sawtooth


Anyone here know how to overclock a g4 400 agp sawtooth. I want to overclock it to 450mhz but im not good at soldiering at all. Ill pay if i have to hope its not to much. Anyone know if there is some one i can go to to do it, store around me im in ny.
I've been wondering this since I got mine in '99. If you can tell me how, where, and what to solder, I could do it.
OK, after looking at it, I am pretty sure that I can do it. It is much simpler than many others have put it. Can you tell me the number on the chip? It should be something like RX400PK. Depending on what that 3-digit number is, I may be "overclocking" or just bringing it up to spec. Some chips that are made for 500MHz (RX500PK) are only run at 400MHz or 450MHz. Mine is mean't to be 400. If you were to send me the card, I could put it in my computer for testing, since we seem to have the same exact model. I would also do it for $20. I am on the east coast of the U.S. I can't guarantee anything, but I will try. Like I said, I've seen many tutorials for overclocking other models, but this is the first "good" one that I have seen. Contact me via e-mail if you would like to do it.
Well i just checked and i do have a Rx400pk So thats correct. I would just want a 50 mhz upgrade because i want to be sure it will run properly. They said to clock it 100mhz more it will most likly be unstable. So everyone who has overclocked it how is the g4 now is it as stable is it was before and is 50mhz a noticeable diffrence.
My G4 is clocked from 400 to 500 MHz, and hasn't crashed one single time since I did it a almost a year ago. I'd guess about 50 % of the chips are stable at 500 MHz. Some chips can't even reach 450 MHz, though.
KSV Did you have the exact same chip model number as me? And under the system profiler does it say you have a 400mhz g4 or 500.
I'm not 100% sure it's exactly the same chip, but I remember it's labeled as a 400 MHz chip.

The system profiler always shows what the processor is configured at, so it shows 500 MHz (and 400 before I clocked it, of course).
Originally posted by THEMACER
Hey scope waiting for your email man.

Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't have any G4 to send email from anymor after his attempts :p ;)
Hey, I've not been in my house for the past 24 hours. I'm gonna send you an e-mail right now. I was out racing. I beat the two people I raced. :) One 1992 Chevy S10 4 Cyl. lowered and a 1986 Terd Brown Ford Ranger V6. I love my 1999 Volvo S70 5 Cyl. (Yes that's a 5).