p800 wont work with isync


Simply Daemonic
I just got (last week) a p800 from sonyEricsson. I am saddened to say that at the moment iSync does not recognize this device :( --- (heck I cant even get VPC to recognize the USB connection :p)

any users in my shoes with this device ? :)
any clues ?

No it is not, I special ordered it from the UK...which inturn was a special order from sweden ;) this device is really nice :) (I need to activate GPRS though with T-Mobile to go online ;) )
I'm so glad I didn't wait for the P800 to arrive and bought the T68i. ;)

I thought iSync was a go for future SE mobile phones, but here we are... Check out www.esato.com for a forum on mobile phones (and SonyEricsson especially).

Is the stylus worth anything, AdmiralAK? Can this thing replace a Palm?
I think iSync requires some sort of plug in for each architecture it works with... I think :p I am anot sure :p
I was jsut over at esato, their p800 section is nice but a little incomplete :D --- I use my T68 backgrounds on my p800 and I downloaded some MIDIs for ringtones. IMY ringtones also work ;)

The stylus is FLAT it hinges on the side of the phone and it is unlike any other stylus I have ever used ;) The phone has regular PIM functions and I was able to beam my contact info from my iPaq --- really nice. I dont like palms to begin with, so I have to say that the p800 rox ;)

maybe I should post a more in depth review if others want it too ;) (I took some digital photos for another forum that requested them that I can post as well).

SonyEricsson released some updated utilities today for the p800 so I might be able to do something with VPC tonite ;)
It's funny, I have a T68M and have been lusting after the P800 (if it was available in the US I would have bought one already), but just noticed today that iSync supports the T68M. This will make my life a lot easier (as soon as I shell out the bluetooth $$$)

However, I'd still rather have a P800. I've got T-Mobile and GPRS service right now. Did you have any problems getting your phone working with your T-Mobile account? Did you just have to plug in your GSM card and go? Does T-Mobile support the P800, or in any way mind that you're using it?
I did not have GPRS activated before, but once I got my P800, I activated it right away, put my SIM card in and WHAM I got going :D (well GPRS took about 18 hours to activate because T-Mobile said it takes 2-24 hours to do so on their part but anyway LOL :p)

I have gone out on the web via GPRS and the built in browser (although I am eagerly awaiting Opera for the p800 to come out), and it works fine with me :)

Someone told me that iSync will work if I have a bluetooth adaptor, so I am thinking of going out today and buying one (and also buying a USB hub while I am at it) to see if it works, however I did make an interesting discovery.

If you export all your contacts from the macOS X address book (as vCard), and then get that file onto your p800 (personally I moved the file to my iPaq and from there I beamed it to the p800), the p800 WILL recognize the contacts and they WILL go to the address book :D
I was heading in here to talk about this lol --- you beat me to the punch ;) --- I will install it and see what happens. SIM only doesnt work for me because I have all my contact info in... at least it is a start

I also found out that apple did not include SyncML into iSync in this incarnation, and the T68 does not use SyncML, it uses something else, so apple made a custom thingymajig for those phones...I think SyncML will be coming in the future and apple is working on some sort of sync for SyncML devices :)
Isync is working with irMc, I believe, some technology for local sync. SyncML was originally meant for remote synchronisation (over GPRS), but SE used it for local synchronisation as well. I guess we wil just have to wait for Apple to implement it in iSync.
The software OnSync linked to by martijnvandijk above is a good piece of software. I use it with my motorola t720i. It wouldn't work at first but the developer worked with me until he got it to work with my phone. Give it a try and I think you might like it.
Never mind, I got me a P-800 anyway.
And I can't get any usable connection to the filesystem. But I already had a USB MemoryStick-reader so I can use that to transfer files to the phone. The P-800 MemorySticks mounts just fine in the finder.

We just have to wait for iSync to be upgraded...