Palm Desktop 4.0 final released!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Woohoo! The only problem is I don't have a PDA to synch with it. :p

From the preliminary comments, though, it looks like it still has a few problems. :p
It finally does a full backup of the databases from my Visor Edge (something none of the betas did). It does not install the 4.0 OS on the Visor though... gotta wait for Handspring to get their act together for that to happen, I guess :rolleyes: .
Originally posted by solo
It finally does a full backup of the databases from my Visor Edge (something none of the betas did). It does not install the 4.0 OS on the Visor though... gotta wait for Handspring to get their act together for that to happen, I guess :rolleyes: .

Don't hold your breath. The last I checked, the Palm OS is not upgradable on any Handspring. They did put out a patch to deal with the faulty RAM installed in my Visor Deluxe, put that's the best I've seen.
Red Phoenix: Did you get my PM? If not, send me an e-mail!

(Sorry for intruding on a topic like this, but I need to talk to Red Phoenix.)

Carry on with the topic! :p

Anyway, I didn't know that the OS on a Visor cannot be upgraded! That totally sucks!
Originally posted by simX
I didn't know that the OS on a Visor cannot be upgraded! That totally sucks!

Yes, it is because Visor stores it's OS in ROM, not Flash RAM. Se la vie.
i downloaded the final release and installed it. i was able to sync it at least two times. after that it won't sync anymore. i keep getting this warning on my palm Vx

"The connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could not be established. Please check your setup and try again"

i uninstalled the palm desktop software and installed again, i was able to sync it once and then it started to act ------ again. this is getting realllllllly annoying.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by GadgetLover
Yes, it is because Visor stores it's OS in ROM, not Flash RAM. Se la vie.

Just for reference, the correct spelling of that French expression is C'est la vie. Just being nit-picky, don't take it personally. :)
Originally posted by simX
Just for reference, the correct spelling of that French expression is C'est la vie. Just being nit-picky, don't take it personally. :)

Not to nit-pick but in Spanish it is se la vie or se la vida. I was not speaking French. ;) Translation: "It is life" or "such is life."

ya know, my friend, there ARE other ROMANCE languages besides French (those sniviling little twits). As I recall, Spanish, Italian, German, and Latin are ALL derivatives -- hey, what do you know, C'est la vie is very similar to se la vie/vida ... could it be that they are related? Noooo.... :)

"Before educating others, make sure to spell 'education' correctly or the only thing you teach is how to get 'schooled.'"
Install of Palm 4.0 failed several times (reboots, uninstalls) under X.1.3. Successful install under 9.x, but after reboot under X.1.3, every HotSync function ends with LaunchFailure.
What's that piece of crap?
I go back to 2.6.3 till better days...
Strange ... installed flawlessly for me. Haven't had a problem with it yet under OS X or 9.

Yet, I couldn't even get passed the initial app start up of LimeWire X 2.3 before the Installer closed! Some of you have gotten half-way through. Palm is nice, LimeWire sucks! Go gnutella .... the good ol' days.
I really like the Palm m515. Maybe I could sell off my Visor Edge, with all the modules and pick up a m515 :).

Palm does have better build quality than Handspring IMHO. Palm's expansion cards are less expensive too; hmmm...
I have the same problem as mfhaque works once or twice after installing it and then not any more.....anybody got a solution?
i downloaded the installer again , uninstalled it and installed it again. now it seems to be working. very strange.
...but with a different solution.

My cradle was connected directly to the iMac.......and it did not work (as above).

I connected it instead to the keyboard USB port....even though the keyboard is connected via a Hub and now it works every time!
Mine's packed up - worked fine for a while, then would just not work at all. Reinstalling fixed it a couple of times, but now will not go at all. Unplugging and replugging the cradle does not fix it either. Anyone got a solution? :confused: